Thursday, September 18, 2008

yar, my life is so boring.

1) still no pictures. busy. and too chui from lack of sleep to take decent photos of myself. zzz.

2) i realized very randomly that my darling laptop has the same sleep hours as me WTF. =.=
i sleep=it sleeps. i wake=it wakes. i nap=it screensaves. HAHAHAHA.

3) i'm suffering from very bad cramps zzzz. probably because it's like two 2 weeks late? wtf. my body is so screwed.

4) everytime i feel a little bit stressed, i think of you and everything seems better. BUT i still want my As badly.

5) i'm thankful and glad for my team mates. they make my life better. and bob makes me life painful. but in a good way, i guess. i keep realizing more about myself and people around me.

6) i've managed to attain 1.7k for the trip SO FAR. wtf. i'm gonna go there and eat grass. zzzzz.

7) tuition today was bad. maybe because i barely slept for 2 hours last night and i kept dozing off while teaching maths. everything seems like a daze and i don't know what i said to her. omg. zzzz. this is bad. I MUST STAY AWAKE!!!

8) still editing/compiling/formatting com443 report.

9) group meeting at 10am at cathay on friday. sheesh. another early morning =(((

10) i've been carrying my laptop around these few days i think i've developed mini muscles. 0.0 and my body aches. SIGH.

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