this series of "muffin bread" pictures is to commemorate my sis for letting me try her experiment for her bf. AHAHA. she insists it's muffins. i insist it's more of like sandwiches. LOL. but it was yummy nonetheless.
cos' there was cheese and ham and bacon i think with egg too.
ate this before heading to tuition on saturday. fresh out of oven so it's pretty warm to the stomach (: thanks sis. you're so nice to me lately i feel so blessed. (((:
ok retarded face. please skip. HAHAHA. pictures heavy ah, this entry. at work. finally can see my workplace right? LOL. and the lousy XS polo tee which i've stretched to prolly M size wtf.
only took this when the place was empty and i was tending to the place alone. i'm not so thick skinned to take pics with people around ok HAHAHA.
then today, supposed to meet yh bro at 9am for breakfast. couldn't wake up. he called me and i was still in my bed groaning from fatigue (slept at 5am only wtf cos' chatting on msn) at 8:45am. zzzz.
whined and complained a little. rolled out of bed. reached wcp macs at around 9:45am. HAHAHAH. oops.
and i had a big breakfast waiting for me on my table. like wow. HAHAHAH. so nice hor yh? HAHAH. got my belated BELATED birthday present from him. thanks to thomas who gave suggestions too.
chatted uber alot. zzz. and i kinda got lectured by him about financial stuff. wah lau eh. sian ji pua can. sighhh. makes me feel very low and forces me to move my brains. but yea, he does make sense. but i just don't feel the motivation just yet. which is bad. a calendar organizer thingy with a pig keychain. LOL.
headed home at around 12plus pm. was fucking tired still. decided to nap a bit before going to bathe and preparing for the evening.
and since i don't want to bathe first, AND being damn anal about my bed=CLEANEST PLACE IN MY ROOM, i refused to sleep on my bed. i ended up sleeping on the hard, cold, uncomfortable floor. wtf. zzzz.
damn sad can. zzzz. my parents came in and saw me. AHAHA papa threw me a pillow to minimize the hardness but kaoz, still damn pain lah. had a fitful nap. zzz.
woke up around 4pm. bathed. got ready for the huge family dinner at boon lay raja/raya (can't remember which one) restaurant to celebrate the DA SHOU. feeling fat these few days =((( think i ate too much. nanny has been feeding me well HAHAHAH. wtf. so sad ok. i'm not gonna eat for 3 days. AFTER the HUGEASS dinner i had at the restaurant just now too!!! =(((
although yh bro mentioned that i slimmed down in overall built. HAHAHA really meh. zzz.
but he said he felt like he was talking to a bimbo. only that i didn't have the looks or boobs or ass or legs wtf. THANKS HUH BRO. like that means i'm nothing lor. no brains no looks. fuck you. HAHAHAHAH. YOUR -ERHEM- is the BEST lah okkk. zzzz. slap you mans.
omfg my face is like red on one side cos' of the red traffic light HAHAHAH. SERIOUSLY i look like i blush half a face lor. zzz.
reached. awkward to max. hardly know anyone. it's like DISTANT relatives can. zzz. had to stand around smiling and acting "pretty" and being polite. this auntie came over with my popo to talk to me. popo says that the auntie missed me since i stopped visiting her when i was 3 years old.
my family who knows me bloody well knows that I HAVE NO MEMORY OF MY CHILDHOOD HAHAHAHA. they always say my brain sucks lor. cannot remember anything that happened when i was a baby/kid etc.
so how would i know who that auntie was? AWKWARD. asked the usual questions. HAHA. and yea, the same old "yi qian ni hen ke ai leh!!".
and my sis would turn to me and say "ya...keyword is YI QIAN"
and i would give her the =.=''''' look. HAHAHAH.
nothing to do. camwhore lor. zzz. hopeless le. HAHAHA.
my parents and sis gave up on me. the parents. LOL. i lent my mum the belt and advised her to alter certain parts of her dress last minute so it would be more flattering. or not she looked pregnant man. wtf. i don't need a younger sibling to screw up my life HAHAHA.
sis: "one...two...three!" -taking pictures of parents-
obviously, i caught her on "two". LOL. my face looks so cocky zzz. my popo is very unhappy to take pictures because she says old people take photos very ugly wtf. HAHAHA. i don't know if i'm like 100 years old, would i still be camwhoring like now? wah lau eh.
first dish served. SHOU BAO. longetivity buns.
lazy to snap subsequent dishes. but i like cold dishes! my favourite!!!
aye my sis hand itchy sio. wanna dig my nose for me HAHAHA.
today's dinner was boring and filling, but i felt that it was a good round up for the week, in a sense. considering the large amounts of time i've been spending outside this past week, sunday turned out to be the only day the ENTIRE family gathered to talk and eat and just laugh and relax.
it felt...good. (:
aspharagus. my fav. my sis loves scallops.
look at that amount of BREADED PRAWNS on my plate. omfg. i swear i am ballooning kns. =((((
after meals. thanks huh. sis says she eat super a lot also won't fat one. zzzz. i hate her genes already. knn. i bet she's a full 10kg lighter than me.
the place was amazing. the first floor was an array of shops selling everything imaginable.
the second floor was the restaurant and an arcade. LOL.
THE LIFT is antique. like...had this metal pole thing that ran from the ceiling of the lift to the ground of the lift.
for a moment i was expecting firemen to slide down from there. but of cos', it's to prevent people from pushing trolleys into the lift lah.
ok below starts a range of lame ass pictures taken using my mama's phone. HAAHA cos' her phone has all the funny frames but mine doesn't. wahhh spoil image man. HAHAH.
cool sunnies ok. retrooo. HAHAHA.
my pig also wanted to be a star on my blog. HAHAHAH.
devil!! omg totally retarded zzzz. i cannot believe myself. -.-''''
please forgive my brain. i'm usually not so stupid. really.
i'm intelligent ok! HAHAHAH.
now to end off the pictures, i present to you my big face.
i've been thinking, and seeking advices, talking it out with him.
more or less, i've prolly reached a decision. but i'm gonna think it through a few more days.
my brain has been so bombarded with information it makes rational thought very suspicious.
sometimes i do wonder, how long will this sweetness last?
how much effort will go the long way?
i must try to know, right?
i had a sudden thought today.
i realized that, you are the one who has been the nicest to me so far.
after analyzing through all the previous few.
i cannot deny that.
you aren't the ideal. but maybe i'm not yours, too.
in love,
i want security without dependence.
i want reliability without fear.
i want true heart, without secrets.
i want to be selfish this time round.
can you give me the security i need?
can you provide me with the dependence, reliability and true love without all the terms and conditions present?
if you are the selfless one, then maybe.
school starts in a few hours. 6 hours to be exact. this sucks. totally. SIGH. more to conquer this week.
happy mid-autumn festival everyone! i hope you guys had a good one! i wanted to go carry lanterns and play with sparklers etc, but had no time unfortunately. =(
i realized my brain has little space for it.
i need to readjust.
or not i'll just malfunction; like i have for the past days.
is this even right?
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