speaking of which, i left home 45minutes earlier. AND I REACHED ON THE DOT 9am. WTF. i ran up the stairs and i almost died panting. zzz.
i swear sometimes the buses here make me feel as though i live in woodlands. zzzz.
just some pictorial updates. lazy to upload pictures. even lazier to take pictures. really sorry if you're coming to my blog to see hot hot pics of my friends (not me i know) HAHA.
aye, square face. HAHA. the angle really sucks. but nevermind, i'm open to ugly pictures. so next time if i ever become chio then people will be shocked =D
note to self as usual: exams/projects period, take less pictures. because you tend to look shitty. zzz.
this picture is really funny lah! i mean minus my impossibly mini eyes cos' of my grinning, look at tunsong and johan! HAHAHAHA. pls lor. johan is camwhore also ok. and tunsong is just....tunsong.
seriously, after looking through all my pictures, I REALLY MUST CONTROL MY GIRN LAH everytime i grin until so happy. then cannot see my eyes already. AND MY EYES NOT SMALL LOR. wah lau, do my beautiful natural double-doe-eye-lidded eyes great injustice. HAHAHAHA.
this is like most decent out of the lot. zzz. weisi says i'm sunshine. HAHAHAHA. my smile can brighten up anybody's day? hmmmmmm.
nehnehpoks studying. this was like.......wednesday i think. LAST wednesday. wah, i'm lagging.
wtf. yea last wednesday. ANYWAY, today's test was crap. obviously i didn't manage to finish the 9 chapters. wtf. although i slept a pathetic 2 hours.
but i'm thankful that this amounts to prolly less than 10% of the grade. so even if i fuck it up ie. getting 80/100 for this COM443 midterms, i'm not THAT fucked up. zzz. yea, i'm consoling myself.
and yes, it's that bad. because i am not that smart after all. think got around 10 mistakes huh.
got back group assignment #2. did better than #1. still, we always fall short somewhere. -shrugs- but at least we are doing our best as a group.
i left the exam room LAST wtf. so sad. HAHAHAHA. obviously cos' i didn't study and i was killing myself thinking before i finally gave up.
had connect@6 group meeting. WHEEEE! HAHAHA damn funny ok all of us. today damn bitchy and talk cok because 90% of us were half-dead from the previous night.
laughed like mad. man, i love them. really. =D
they make group work so much better. AHAHAHA. and yea, they already know me and my crude ways. =D i mean..i had to suck back my shit and sit through the meeting lor. i'm so noble HAHAHAHAH. (private joke)
wednesday still. pf anf mz. pf looks kinda hot there. HAHAHAHAHA.
mz: don't take me don't take me!!!! -siam-
as usual. her hands tend to move faster than any other part of her body.
strawberry, then chocolate. i love milk.
from even wayyy back. i forgot the date. zzz.
and i've been webcaming despite feeling damn shit from studying.
I MISS YOU ABS. HAHAHA. lovelove. see, as i chat to you i must do COM443 reflections. so sad huh. HAHAHA. ok this reminds me that i have reflection#3 due next week. zzz.
then fatbear! weets! can anybody see i'm wearing my GOMEZ tee from sajc? HAHAHAHA.
aye he try to open eyes big big. don't work leh fatbear.
i look like sadako here HEHE.
saturday was spent working tuition then VE. mr grumps was still mr. grumps. TSK! but i might not be working with him coming october! =( must fight with the forms alone. SIGH.
half-studying half-working. LOL. bo bian ah.
sunday was more studying alone at macs after morning breakfast/brunch with fatbear.
i realized we're both very busy people. HAHA. sigh. must work harder!
ok i'm really so tired my eyes are closing. zzz. but i really don't want to do work tonight.
tomorrow will be continue com443 project. then tuition.
looking forward to wednesday. double pay! out with fatbear! loveloveloveeee. (((:
oh, went bugis today for a short while. bought a tee/dress. and a cardigan. uber cute. but i feel that i'm growing out of bugis. zzz. sian.
and i realized i'm still as fat/flabby as ever. pissed.
byebye. continue to save money!
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