until the entire event/plan is over, then you are allowed to post up process pictures. so yea...there you go. these are some of the pictures taken for the "visual introduction" of staff part. (((:
don't play play ok. the roof was DAMN BLOODY HOT and DAMN BLOODY SUNNY. zzzz. almost couldn't see our eyes. HAHAH. what to do? photoshoot leh! pro-ness!! HAHAH.
one of the random shots. we took many many pictures but only chose 1 group one plus 6 individual ones for our actual project report.
in case some of you are unfamiliar to my com443 group, these are the awesome peeps who have made my life so much better.
from left: pris, weisi, me, xin chee, chong hui, sharul.
finally, i understand what it means by distribution of work and specialization taking place. it really does feel like GROUP work. all of us are proficient at different aspects and it helps when we attack things which are are good at. makes work faster and everyone works hard together instead of free riders.
like how i suck at photo editing since i don't have photoshop, but pris and chong hui (and weisi for the indiv shots!) are good at that. but they can't do video, and i did it. and report writing, ideas etc. flow flow flow. (((:
thank you everyone for the hard work! we must continue working hard for the remaining parts!!!
bob says we've got potential. and only those minute details which caused us not to attain that A like XXX. which is crap, in my opinion. but wtf, i guessed the best group right! i'm psychic. zzz.
well, asides from a certain someone whom i shall not name here because who knows she/her friends might be reading this and rat on me.
i've have had enough from you and i hope you wake up and start contributing POSITIVELY instead of giving odd ideas which obviously were not carefully thought through. AND please stop being late for meetings. when i say reach school at 8fuckingam, i DO NOT MEAN 845am.
last to reach, first to leave. awesome. shall stop bitching.
but i've never seen a worse presentation than today. zzz. or presenter at that. i was torn between killing myself (for making the decision of OFFERING a second chance since she pleaded) and killing her. zzz.
everyone knows reading from notes is crap. with your background, i cannot believe you don't know that simple thing.
but...because i'm a hot-headed individual, i decided to calm down with weisi's advice and started reflecting on where i could have done wrong. i wouldn't say we have hierarchy in the team, but i do not deny that i assert myself on a common basis. BUT i accept opinions and constructive suggestions from everyone because i admit my brain is not wonderful.
what can i do better for the team? where can i improve? how can i motivate my team members further? am i being too pushy and naggy?
am i being to domineering and demanding? or am i NOT pushy enough? do i understand my team well enough? do i know how they really feel?
are we honest enough (on my part no, since i controlled my temper well enough not to suffer anger outburst in class)?
did up the rough video very quickly. collected the photos--which looked AWESOME. fine lah, we don't have studio professional pictures. but i applaud weisi and pris for their photoshop skills! (((: went home, (onset of fever) and completed my video.
individual shot-weisi! lifeline lifeline siooo HAHAHA. she listens to me complain lor. and she doesn't complain at all. i swear her good karma is like UBERRR ALOT!!! confirm more than mine HAHAHAH. let her find a good hubby, marry, settled down happily and give birth to soccer team. HAHAHAHA. any applicants? leave a message and i'll get back to you.
oops. if weisi knows i'm so dead HAHAHA.
indiv shot-chong hui. she's the SAME AGE as my sister. -eyes pop out-
and i look older than her can!!! WAH LAU EH. damn depressed already. HAHAHAHA. she's a great worker. cute and friendly. always see her around her batch's friends.
indiv shot-pris. the one who does the logo and editing of pictures. changing as i demand different things and always have to accomodate to my unreasonableness HAHAH. aye so sad. i'm such a tyrant =(((( i wanna be friendly leh. zzz.
i realized this few months my phone bill can die. sms and calls DAMN ALOT CAN. wah lan eh. broke liao. HAHAHA asides from project..got....erhem. -winks-
indiv shot-xin chee. funny guy. but he looks damn bloody good in a formal attire! very cooperative, gives good ideas, does work, attends meeting and helpful! wooots. please don't target him, all female readers out there!! he's like attached already. very happy ok. HAHAH.
our IT consultant HAHAH because he is the most IT one. he studied that in poly last time.
indiv shot-sharul.
taking pris taking chong hui.
nice hor this shot HAHAHA. i'm so artistic wtf.
this range of pics were taking yesterday. doing work after com441 at the benches. finishing up powerpoint and photos to send ready for printing. erm, that nutrisoy is not mine lor. =(((
was there from 1045am to about 245pm. zzz. died.
hello! the team is called connect@six. we are the advertising agency you should approach. HAHA. because we have substance within the team. =D don't worry, our mission statement is not so lame. zzz.
although quality may vary from other groups, but i'm glad we did everything ourselves and i really saw hard work from everyone! GAMBATTE!!!
final binded copy of report. please bob love us. bob love us bob love us bob love us. -chants- give us A give us A give us A. -chants throughout semester-HAAHHAHA.
eh...we are running on the rule of minimalism. (:
weisi died. HAHAH. then i started camwhoring after lunch to relax.
weisi raised her eyebrows at me!!! HAHAHAH. pris is damn stressed editing the pics. i feel bad man. =D
i help motivate by giving grinning face wtf. ok i bet i didn't help at all. HAHA. eh but i need a break lah. will go crazy if don't learn to relax.
below pics are from supper on tuesday with nanny aka steve. shall not post pics taken with him because DAMN UGLY. HAHAHAHA.
century egg porridge and his chicken porridge with veggies! we're both sick people. zzz. nanny was nice. the entire night he treated lah. zzz. felt so bad. but he didn't let me pay because "i am not working yet" WTF logic??? HAHAHA.
i shld find a better nickname for nanny. it sounds so sissy. i'm only calling him that because he always checks on stuff. HAHA. shhh.
the market oppostite tanglin secondary. was late. so not much people around.
after meal, headed over to dempsey area for ice cream although i was so full i wanted to puke. zzz. ben and jerry's it is! a mix-n-match for us to share! ambience not bad. the restaurants there are damn atas ok! can some rich guy please treat me to all the restaurants one by one every weekend? HAHAHAHHA. high-end dining sio. zzz.
treat me to sky-dining i also don't mine. =DDD
the icecream.
close up shot. sinful indeed =(((. haven't been running this entire week. god. so fat. i need an alternative exercise. i never seem to lose weight or bulk or fats. zzz. GOD OF FAT, PLEASE LET ME BECOME THINNER and TONER (AND remain healthy).
nanny went to toilet so i started camwhoring. camwhoring with him around is damn weird HAHA cos' suddenly i don't feel very thick-skin. i think need more time to know him better then won't feel so awkward huh. HAHAH.
i swear my face is gaining more and more fats ok. dulan shits. i wanna go lipo out already. zzz. i think i lack proper rest. my skin is so fucked up. =(((
every morning i have difficulty opening up my eyes. so they just get smaller and smaller as the day passes. so ugly seh. SIGH. fat face small eyes. wahhh, definitely not attractive.
he's back. and he insists on taking shots of me eating. zzz. unglam. BUT I ACTUALLY LOOK SLI FROM THIS ANGLE. ok lah, i forgive you HAHAH.
see? this is what i mean when someone i don't know well take pictures for me. got stiff smile man. HAHA.
down to the yatch club to chill. slight wind (:
ok VERY random shots of boats. i can't do night shots man. =((( my 5mp dies.
home afterwards cos' cinderella me needed to hit curfew before 12am. zz.
today...presentation day. tired mans. reach on the dot also no use. the required werent there.
eyes small. felt damn awful for the entire day cos' i was squinting and my eyes hurt from lack of sleep. ugly pictures. had to censor most. and my face was extraordinarily round today. i'm gonna cry man. =((( must be karma for laughing at big face people. did i? =(((
my blazer always makes me feel like the hulk--female version--hulk-ess. zzzz. shoulder pads and all HAHAHA. sigh. but i think with a tad bit tweaking before i enter the real world, i may rock that baggy pants, andro look! wheee. must get fitting blazer first. =.=
before i changed into my pants. in my jeans and sneakers HAHAH. alone in toilet camwhore like madddd.
hello! i got boobs today, so stop niao-ing me for always wearing sports bras. HAHA.
chui like fuck eyes. zzz. messy hair. bad skin. HAI, must start visualizing the ideal.
after school, headed to skin doc at outram to get my final 2 months of treatment. i think i've become slightly tanned leh ZZZ i don't know why. sian. uneven skin tones suck big time.
dropped by popo's house for a little visit. was damn tired by then so i didn't really converse much with both popo and ah gong. after popo kept feeding me food, i dozed off on the sofa. damn bad lah. zzz. but i was REALLY damn tired.
wanted to camwhore to stay awake. BUT i forgot to charge my phone for about 2 days. zzz. after some shots in school and at popo's house, the battery bar dropped to ONE after nanny called. zzz. after that just DIED.
went home soon after to charge my phone. my ah gong's room. can you see the very very very old picture taken with him on the top of the tv set? =DDD his desk has one more picture of both of us. and NOW, my popo's also have a photo of herself and i!!! HAHAHAH. yayy. and she placed it in the display cupboard in her room. our picture is like right infront! =D
he watches tv and i watch with him, lazy to talk. energyless. eyes closing slowly.
which calls for camwhoring. (before batt died)
ok end of entry. congrats to all who've read from top to bottom. i know it must be really boring. but this documents my life and thoughts lah. if my writing offends, i apologize, but i would like to remind you that you don't have to read.
work work work work work. more work. zzzz.
tuition after school tomorrow. maybe meeting roy for dinner. and maybe more activities afterwards.
must do productive work...........
the entire class was dressed in black today. HAHA!
and bob said our group looked good (:
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