just some pictures to show you guys. i'm back! at least for the time being. being away from the computer and internet has been torturous, but for the benefit of me. tsk. the mid terms are half gone, nightmare also half gone.

part of meow, and THE GIRL WHO CALLED ME A BIMBO.

hel. the brain, the nainai.

abby.(or ABY. HAHAHA) the cool one. ompher.

NOW, my dears, this is CLASSIC. seriously. hahahah, i couldnt stop laughing after i took this picture and looked at it. it's not only the character in it, but the interesting background. speculations. *grins* in summary, very inglam lah. but that's meow i guess, genuinely unglam and real.
it was all tken during UGC lecture anyway.
results going to die liao. i think my GPA of 3.7 is virtually impossible. then again, it's only mid terms. and there are countless projects to settle, which takes up ridiculously large percentage. (self-comforting) revision of the modules i'm taking now has definitely been a less torturous process than in JC. maybe because i have interest in most topics(other than cse). the handling of new information is both refreshing and scary.
learnt so many things about communication which i didn't used to know. it was all very enlightening. pity the com101 teacher kenna revolted against. hahah.
watched bridget jones's diary today in class. part of it anyway. media and gender. our current topic. interesting. get to watch movies, but must analyse! =(
i'm left with ESL and UGC for now. terrible. then it's projects galore.
school has been good so far. i'm serious. =) somehow...i can't seem to find someone whom i can truly tell my problems to and stuff. it's just wierd. you know, the feeling of mixing with all. but none heartfelt depth. takes time i guess. i'm just distributing my troubles. hahah.
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