Tuesday, October 31, 2006


good morning, today prof JL will teach you how to be a super successful jerk in a relationship/post-relationship.

number one thing you should ALWAYS say in order to become an immediate fucker-face:

"since being in a relationship is so difficult, why not revert to being weekend partners?"

keyword guys, is WEEKEND PARTNERS.

confirm guarantee plus chop will get tmbknnbccb reaction from girls. either that or they'll bawl their fucking eyes out infront of you.

why is that so fucking offending?

cos' who the hell you think you are to degrade a girl like that? WHO?? shit from the sky, most prolly.

all you stopped short from saying is HOW MUCH PER HOUR AH?
you think i for what?

seriously, go get a life and eat some detergent.
maybe you'll learn to put your words properly, unless of cos' you wanna be an asshole and fucker-face.

guys, this is the way to be a jerk.
practical lab lesson is not in the curriculum though.
and if you are smart enough, DO NOT freaking attempt it.
unless you want to be like a particular #@$#$! in question.

i feel better already. my decision is almost clear. all i need to verify is that i can hold that cold-heartedness even when he comes back and try to cheat me back into that stinking traphole.

nothing, fuck nothing can give you that excuse to use those two words on me.
i did not piss you off. why must you hurt me then? when i already made my stand clear i'm giving the fucking way.
go to hell already.

shoot yourself to death.

i love myself more than you'd ever love me. at least i know when too much is too much.
you, fucker, are too much.
i choose who i want to belond in my life.
and you asshole, no space for you already.

so let me be. i need space.

i need fresh air.

i'm very glad for luke's help yesterday night.
he cheered me up tons, listened to my freaking long sob tale and well, gave mature encouragements and words of advice.
it's time to open my eyes. i used to close my eyes and count to ten. i hoped that by waiting..when i opened them finally, things will be better. all the bad things will be gone. but they never did.
i think it's time to face them in right on.

and the speed ride was desperately needed.
felt like he could read my mind.
left me to my own thoughts.
silence and yet music.
how she could be seeing things around her fly past, yet not be seeing at all.
to see and yet not see.
has she been blinded for too long?
that she doesn't know what's right or wrong?
what's to be and what not.

burned her insides.
yet the peace within her was almost contradicting.

this is not about the release to find someone better.
it is the release, to start loving myself again.
and treat myelf better.
because at least, i don't degrade myself to become some loose girl who provides weekend entertainment for some loser.

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