Monday, October 23, 2006


me: i want chauffeur. must be limo also.

_/[ ] [ ] [ ]\_
like that? 3 doors on each side. 6 doors total. can, princess?

me: WAH! so cute! hahahah. doors not enough. i want more.
him: like how many on one side my dear princess?
_/[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]\__
like this? a red coloured limo would be striking.

lol. amusing. but i really think the limo darn cute!
today's break in btw com101 and cse111 was terrible. read abit of com notes. then rotted at benches and talked abit with zw and the others. then wenta students lounge, where the entertainment lies. lol. laughed quite a bit. missed good company somehow.

and now i'm sitting here thinking about the missed opportunity for alcohol and good ol' company. sigh. but i'll survive. DRINK LESS! LESS FATS, JIELIN! hahahaha.
ok, trying to comfort myself can! grrr.

tml's a public holiday and i feel sad thinking about having to give tuition from 9am to 3pm. REALLY SAD. sigh. at least i'm going out afterwards, will feel less sad. but still very sad.
seriously, there comes a point whereby you know life sucks because you are a salve to money. yet i cannot live without it. that's the only income i have to support myself. TMD. and my pa reported two consecutive months of bills explosion. oh god. and i have 1000 plus minutes of incoming call. omfg. i wonder where all came from. HAHAHAHA.

okkk. i'm deliriously happy now. HAHAHA.
shhhh. woots! yippie!

god oh god. how can i hide this insane rush of blood to my face. how can i avoid being overly enthusiastic? *grins*

life's a bitch. but life's a blessing at some points. =)

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