MUS266 just got more hiong with the Singapore Arts Festival Project Dr.G has hooked up for us.
it's like com3oo and mgm301 ALL OVER AGAIN. i don't know if it's a dream or nightmare.
but at least we get to choose our partners and groups LEST Dr.G decides that we're too small as a group and splits us--the comm majors group up!!! GASP. no wayyy. =( no that i'm afraid no group will take me in, but i don't wanna struggle in another foreign group and risks my already risky grades. =S
it's for our mid-terms. and we can actually get this project into our resume. like wow.
i just went to read our prof's specs from the portal and i'm pretty awed by what i saw. ok Dr.G i shall forgive you. you are smart and credible. BUT, i believe we shouldn't be studying THEORY but more of society thank you.
let's hope the project will be fulfilling. surely damn hiong mans. -_-'''
anyway for those out there who are lost about what i'm talking about, basically there would be 7 groups in the entire class. and each group will have to attend a music and another dance/theatre performance (respective venues, times and dates) FOR FREE because Dr.G got us lobang and SAF is giving us free admission tics!
then we have to conduct a survey (yes complete with amending survey and all that) and then analyze and tabulate and present our findings about why people attend performances, reasons and motives behind and what can further spur their attendance yada yada yada......
com300 right? mgm301 right? -_-''' god bless me.
tied my hair up again today. chui like fuck. thank god there's no one much in school i needa impress HAHAHA. unglam shits.
eyes small cos' damn tired boo. i swear reading philosohpy is driving me nuts. more about that later. =X
look nemo is looking at me! wtf. dory is in love with me lor. my ponytail is damn short ok. almost couldn't tie up. HAI. and my fringe sucks to the core. maybe i should get hair serum also HAHAH.
abs is EATING! zomg. and it's icecream like wth. then she's shy don't want take pics.
pf and mrzaiemo in background. pf is so hardworking right? HAHA.
asked her to pose for my blog. tada!
ok anyway i realised i cannot sustain a blog on solely camwhoring with me, myself and myself. so.....i will have to force people to pose for my camera. or not my blog will become very boring (as if it's not boring enough). HAHA, so ya. actually i have a very very UBER ugly picture of pf, but i'm nice so i will not post it up. SEE THIS LEW PEI FEN? :D shy abs again. tsk. background: am i seeing what i'm seeing? 0.0
omg! i finally get to take a picture of her. obviously my phototaking skills is damn good. erm, i mean sneak-phototaking skills. HAHAH. ok lah sorry abs. quite nice what.
UH HUH. this my dear friends, is my second book out of 5. -_-''' we're reading this now for next week. i just sent two more books which abs lent me today to photocopy. shall collect on monday. woo.
do people ever die from overdose of philosophy? i think in this practical world, it's hard to ask and inquire and not receive answers in return.
tml is tuition 11-1pm on 5th storey, then 1-3pm on 12th storey. and i need to reach clementi from boon lay by 4pm (provided tuition doesn't delay me) for videzy till 11pm. Pboss wants me to start work earlier. wth.
i'm fine with it as long as i don't get kb-ed at or yelled. let me be in peace.
i hope i don't die from exhaustion tml. really tired now. thinking about how packed june is ain't very appealing. but you have to do something right? maybe being packed is better than having too much time to think.
money is power.
i need to do something about IT.
and i feel happy to have known mr.blur and mr.lisiao and random people in mus266 class whom i've never talked to much but they still smile at me when we meet in corridors and canteen and mrt interchange. :) a smile can make a huge difference. really.
recently i've been turning a lot to the tv as a form of escapism. i know why i'm doing it, but i cannot stop myself.
it's like in the past when i veered towards being an alcoholic to drown sorrows wtf, and eventually i got the courage and right set of mind to stand up and tell myself to stop being a shit ass.
choosing the easy way out is always so easy.
if socrates is right, perhaps my soul has been tainted with the ever-changing desires for earthly possessions and material wants. the unclean and the evil.
will my soul scatter into a million pieces and be blown away by the wind? is that all that remains of me?
because...i feel like i'm constantly losing direction in life, and pretending that i am not.
tee jay elle, BUCK UP!!!
maybe physically writing a private journal is better.
so much to say. but so much to hide.
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