Wednesday, May 07, 2008

smiley pants

i saw this pair of pants online in a spree and i'm so tempted to buy it. too bad the spree was over by the time i chanced upon this site. LOL. it's UBER cute cannnnn. ayeee. but ya lah, i dun usally wear long pants also. don't know why i wanna buy for what.

but i think wear also happy lor. the smileyyyy faces! =)

but then again, considering me not being very petite, wearing such pants might actually bulk me up. so i better consider again.

reminded me of this pair of really funky grafitti pants i saw in a bugis cosplay shop. niceee. but pity i don't have like plain tees to go with that messy bottom. LOL. or not i would have snapped it up. reeks attitude i'll say! =D

comes in navy blue smiley pants too!

i'm not really a jeans and tee person eh? blame it on my huge ass hips whereby wearing jeans would just emphasize that area further. TSK!

woke up this morning exceptionally early (usually when i have non-school days ie. holidays, i wake up on average around 2pm). ate my breakfast consisting of the usual bread and cheese and milk for calcium woohoo! then i felt the need to shit. shat.

wooooo. now i feel like eating again. wtf.

i realllyyy really (!!) want to jian fei and go on diet. but life has great food that i cannot miss. and....i have no discipline.
even though i like ran for 1 hour after school and before tuition yesterday. HAI. maybe i should go run again later. the weather is decent today.
yesterday was hot and sunny. got a mild tan from the knee guard wtf. -_-'''

i seriously have too many stuff on my i-wanna-buy list. but...moolahs not enough. HAI.

come to mamaaaa.

update again later. whee!

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