to update, the MUS266 quiz today was shittymama. i seriously never felt any more idiotic and retarded than ever; considering i AM an idiot when it comes to music theory.
recalling back in the primary school days whereby the lesson i dread most was MUSIC CLASS wtf. i'm such a loser. when all the kids around me were playing with their recorders and blowing out perfect melodies and notes, i was busy figuring out which finger covers which hole of the stupid instrument.
so when there was the play-together session in class, i would simply move my fingers over the holes and pretend i was blowing while i hastily surveyed my teacher and the other kids to see if they knew i was cheating 0.0.
eventually, i gave up and resorted to memorizing the fingers and where to place (the holes) at which time.
end of story? i managed to pass my recorder test(inidividual ok! i swear i had a mini heart attack at the age of 8).
miracle? i got selected for the school choir (damn prestigious) to sing a multiplication song to be recorded on tape and sold schoolwide and even distributed outside school!
sibei cool ok!
and this is with the fact that i am pretty much tone-death. -_-'''
i think my music teacher was too. or not how come choose me wtf.
despite my not very happy experiences with music, i found myself growing up intoxicated with all genres and happily experimenting with various singers, bands, and the such.
i LIKE listening to music and loving how it blows me away.
but never EVER make me try to play the notes/scales or understand the tau-geis shits and the theory behind how SOUND is produced. god no.
so, having said this. i am an avid reader of DigitalLife to update myself about the technological craze spreading like wildfire worldwide. cannot lag ah.
i found myself very much in love with this quirky squarish design. the critic rated it decently ok. but some higher pitches turned out too scratch and thin. not good.
i wonder if i can go any place to test it out? does anyone know?
still, it's a very pricey $128 of my moolahs. sigh.
i need to check out the market more. who will be my authorized and very much knowledgeable guide? =D
Dr. Gay dismissed us early, straight after the quiz. had too much time on our hands. ended up rotting outside level 4 lift area wtf.
BUT I SAW CBZ. ZOMG I HAD A MAJOR HEART ATTACK. my heart couldn't stop fluttering like some stupid bimbotic butterfly which saw a damn shuai butterfly.
got eye contact! aye wtf. ya lah, passerby of cos' will take a look what. -_-''' i must constantly tell myself to think normally like an intelligent young lady sigh.
eh i think his bod not bad lor. my ideal type. tall, fit, no chicken legs, not bearish and boorish LOL.
saw tummy leading the pack of foreign students. i told abs maybe we should shout down from level 4 to atrium to let him hear us. in the end only i called DUA PEK GONG which resounded in the eerily silent SIM. -_-'''
lucky cbz on earphones ok. or not totally lose my image. haiiii.
yan came. chatted and she made me jealous with dongdong again HAI. then headed to level 2 to crash their lessons before their scary lecturer came. then down to level 1 for PHI101.
and we thought we would be the only seniors taking. but oh man, got so many of us! LOL. okkk.
abs i don't want TWICESIGN liao. damn weird lah. hua chi to obvious no good HAHAH.
actangmohJ was in the same class and mz's favourite best friend LONG JIAM PASS was in the same class too! WAH SEH. jb hor. LOL.
anyway i need a nick for our lecturer....let's say....matmat? it sounds so childish for someone so intellectual wth.
aiya, i'll let it be until i think of a better name. =D PHI101 looks set to be damn hiong. zzzz.
this is ONLY book freakingbloody ONE out of FIVE. -faints- (cue for dongdong to give me CPR NOW)
okayyyy. reminder to self: never name your kids names you cannot pronounce.
we are supposed to read page 1-41 DUE WEDNESDAY, which my dear readers, is TOMORROW MORNING. -double faints-
looking at the tiny words.......i doubt i'll ever see this page.
god bless me i should start now.
and i have tuition after class tomorrow. i hope i can grab enough sleep tonight (by finishing and UNDERSTANDING the texts page 1-41 because there is in-depth DISCUSSION tml and PARTICIPATION IS FREAKING 35%) so that i won't doze off in tuition........ see lah, i got time to camwhore with the book also don't want to spend the time reading it. hai.
ayee pimply face sobs. i kinda hate my hair. think i will cut it in june.
wah eyes so tired from the early class. met CK on the bus today morning. we were groaning about the morning jam and being squeezed on bus 184 LOL. i was like the last passenger who managed to squeeze on board before the door closed wth!
thank you-s to CK for making space for fatass me HAHAHA. arrived in school on time ok!
chatted about taxi rides and addiction. then about school work and tests and passing. then about dressing to school and living near. then about my embarrassing moments in SIM because i was late. HAI. in a crowded bus and he can still laugh so loud. grrr.
LIM ZIHAO tell me your timetable lehhh. can meet for in between meals or can go study after school. -_-''' (ya right)
ok i seriously need to stop blogging. thank you to my faithful readers HAHAH.
tataaa! I LOVE PHILOSOPHY!!! (psyching myself up for the hiong schedule)
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