mentally and physically drained. rushing about since 9am in the morning till about 12am midnight. wtf. finally got the chance to sit down and let my legs rest. it's so bad until i almost wanted to sit down on the bathroom floor to bathe. -_-'''
tuition was alright. settled most of my extra lessons with the kids and their mums. P was ok today. she's really retaining knowledge. i'm so glad. i hope for more improvement! =)
B's results weren't outstanding but she did really well for this examination. emerged 1st in class and 5th in overall level. wow. LOL. considering she got 10th in her class for english (highest mark was 60/100 and she got 58.2/100) i'm quite happy already. i don't ask for much for someone her standard.
she's showing potential though. if she can control herself and discipline such that she spends less time on the tv and computer.
rushed down to videzy starving and thirsty and sweaty. the weather grilled me yet again.
met sk in the shop. surprised lol. i was expecting THE BITCH. looks like my wishes are getting better. -beams.
not that i wished for sk lah. but i wished for BITCH not to intrude my saturday.
anyway had another round of chatting and teasing with sk. he is really funny lah wtf. tsktsk.
omg and he is so young -_-''' if i don't remind myself the differences in age, i might forget that i'm this laocokcok ah ma and he's this juvenile thing. wtf. so sad ok. =(
watched this jap cell phone love drama on tv together till D arrived.
Hboss is getting married on sunday! (as you are reading this now) omgz!!! HAHAH. he popped down whilst D and sk were around and talked to us for abit, showing us pictures of their photoshoot and at the ROM.
wah lau, just for photoshoot and dresses only he spent 25k already. EXCLUDING banquet ok. wtf. rich wonder people always say wanna get married must be financially strong first. tsk. really huge damage to your pocket mans. not even talking about honeymoon or what ok!
then that stupid Hboss decides that he cannot leave without poking fun at me YET again about sk wth???? first he says i'm gonna be the mistress of a rich man. now he says sk and i look compatible. BOX HIM MANS. getting married already still like that. dotdotdot.
lucky he don't say that infront of sk ok. or not working is gonna be so awkward lahs.
and he kept showing us THE MAGIC TRICK omg. HAHAHA. D and i couldn't stop laughing like hyenas (although it was fascinating and disgusting at the same time).
and D said that what if THE MAGIC TRICK thing suddenly dropped whilst Hboss was ERHEM-ing with wife HAHAHAHAHA. super anti-climax wtf. trust D to think of it. HAHAHAHAH. ok it's shit funny. too explicit to state on my innocent blog sorry HAHAH.
sk left with his friend after renting M18 movies HAHAH (inside joke). Hboss left. D and i worked the rest of the hours which seemed to trawl by; biz was bad and the customers came and left like droplets of water leaking from a tap NON-periodically. hai.
busied myself with random stuff and D told me to "relax lehhh" cos' i seemed almost eager to WANT to do something at all times. cannot help it mans. nothing to do makes me restless.
smartolduncle came today and he finally answered my Q. shall think abit more and see how.
grr. i suddenly remembered that gayshitty. if he ever steps on my toes again, he'll die a terrible death ok. not rich act rich. so un-classy act high-class. wtf. please go look into the mirror ok, don't act like you're damn shuai and posh. stop bringing your bf/gf around like some dog and then snap at him to shut up like you're some bigshot. aiya whatever mans. stupid gay got stupid bf/gf who willingly allows himself to be treated like trash.
DISCLAIMER: i'm not against gays/les/bi-s. thank you. he was just the minority that became the black sheep.
ok i'm really too tired to continue. had a major heart attack regarding my bank account. shall wake up at 7am to check again. wtf. i swear it better be alright lor. or not i will flip and jump the roof. grrr.
thanks to NANA for everything. love u max. HAHA. it helps to have someone rational when you are delirious from fatigue.
good night my loves.
philosohpy and the running track beckons me in a few hours. god bless. wtf.
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