will upload those terrible JC days one another day. =(
this is pretty much with monz and i only. =D highlight is genting and KL trip wayyy before i entered UB and lost my life. HAHAH.
anyway, i have a picture of my teeth (WAH!!! vampire!!) and gene here. gene totally doesn't look like this now lahs. like way more muscular and fit 0.0
AYE i still remember where and when this was taken. in SIM HQ admin office (atrium there) to submit my documents for UB admission. woah. ok how come i look so young and filled with life? now i'm lifeless and.......boring. -sigh-
and monz forever want to kiss me lah. HAHAHA. ya lah, note the vampire teeth that do not exist today because soon after i went for extraction and my braces!!! actually the vampire teeth are still intact, just that it does not protrude out now.
OMG how time flies. the tee i was wearing in the picture is now my PJs HAHAHA. oops.
see! i was predominantly jeans and tee and sneakers. and how i loved this NIKE bag from aust NIKE factory outlet. wheee. ok, i still have the bag, but i don't use it anymore.
nice hor? my sneakers have indeed come a long way with me. it's time i let it retire gracefully. i really really need new versatile converses to replace my browns (before they start tearing up; got holes liao lor wtf).
and i was so tanned last time. hai. and toned. i prolly have 10000 gazillions of fats inside me now. grrr.
this was on the coach to KL already. early early in the morning and reallyyyy tired faces LOL. i had my extraction done the noon before hence my jaw was a tad bit swollen. luckily i've pretty much stopped bleeding and did not develop any fever (feared by my dentist and ma; both fervently tried to stop me from going on this impulsive trip).
omg look BO GEI! i had 2 teeth extracted at this time. another 2 went after the trip. quite cool lor. not scary at all. must be cos' of that really cute dentist who looked like this popout from korean drama idol male. AYEEEE. WHERE ARE YOU!???!
i'm like gonna take off my braces soon and i still never see you in NDC. sobs. maybe july you will be the one who helps me take off the braces? aiii. abit little hope. most probably will be my in-house dentist (female who is pretty yes, but i'm not lesbian. and everytime she calls me DEAR blahblahblah DEAR blahblahblah when she talks to me).
the chair we had on the coach was massage-functional!!! ok we were attempting orgasmic faces wtf. SIBEI UNGLAM.
i swear i was never demure before from my memory till today. ayee. at least i'm improving. boohoo. last time in primary school i used to wear my shorts high waisted and my tee tucked in nicely ok! like that when running and jumping around then won't fall down so easily what! LOL.
in the hotel! wheee. this one taken by monz lah wah lau. so ugly. i was just damn happy can rest what.
timer pics!
OMG i swear i don't know what monz is doing. and my pose sibei ugly lor. wah lau. i think i fell on the bed or something. -_-'''
i think my legs grew shorter or something. monz kept doing this pose in GENTING because she said it signifies the act of being able to "fly" through the "clouds" everywhere in genting WTF.
i think it's because of friends like her that i got abnormal childhood memories HAHAHA. EH this is a sign that our timer photo-taking skills improve ok. who the hell cuts off their heads in pictures. -_-'''
showing off my bo gei-ness. cool stuff. i actually spoke with a lisp for that few months before the gap closed and i could pronounce properly.
HAHAHA classic i love this picture ok!
"omg so dizzy so dizzy......."
the spinning teacup ride nonetheless =D wth look sibei unpro right. and sibei ugly 0.0
still cmi. maybe i should have went to the free archery that the guys told me about.
was looking through a couple of my neoprints yesterday night before i slept. i'll skip the monz ones because we really took ALOT of neoprints in the past LOLOL. and all damn unglam. haiii. personal collection can already hahah.
when i saw these i burst out laughing. LOL. the wigs on gene's and haoz's head were added specially by yours truly. ain't they lovely creatures? HAHAHA.
zihao is looking so pretty with that pink flower on his head. and gene looks like a sweetheart with his blue ribbon.
this one brought back many good memories too...ocip gang. i really miss those days. carefree and fun fun fun. friendships built on what we all toiled through.
how come i still take things and people for granted? sigh.
"look!! i can walk on the bamboo clothes pole!" says yellow dino.
ayee boredom during tuition translates to doing stuff like that in order not to doze off while waiting for P to complete her work.
i am absolutely in love with her hair! (ok her face is a plus point too) her hair looks damn smooth and silky!!! i like! if only...she has porcelain skin mans. -_-''' and chopsticks legs again. tsk.
haven't really been studying for mus266 sadly. and guiltily too. catch no ball theory wise. die liao. abby chan tml you'll be my savior mans. i chop the seat next to you thank you. HAHAH.
phi101 starts tml too. i wonder how it's gonna be like! anticipation mans. and hope we won't need to buy like a million texts that cost a billion dollars. yayyy hope the class will be enriching, fulfilling, educating, an eye-opener and exciting (=D)!!
more pics next time! tataaaa.
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