9-1030am. i have NO IDEA why i reached home at 12pm only. zzzzz.
ok, maybe i know. HAHAHA cos' slacked in school after class then wait for abs to talk finish with nbt and then go popular search for the stupid $42 bucks crazy music book that was apparently out of stock. ROARRRRR.
how to do assignment like that? i'm such a good student lor. kaoz.
HAHAHA. ok i think i will e-mail the prof (hence after known as G chord) and act like uber guai kid. HEHEHE. i think he should know my name lah. KAO FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FIRST LESSON HE CALL MY NAME LIAO. hosei not. i'm so honored. -_-'''
bombed with a stupid Q: what is communicatons?
my answer (apparently damn dots cos' i was gossiping with abs halfway about how gay he looked): erm.....to speak and interact and get your msg across. (WTF????!!?) ya lah, i suck. hai, 2 years as a comms major and i give such a laoya answer. i bet that long hair irritating dude was sniggering at my brainlessness. =S
apprently there were only 4 comms major in the lousy class. the rest were FRESHIES' FRESHIES.
which means like two freaking batches away from us!!!!
uber young lahs. god, i hope peer group work this friday someone kind accepts me HAHAHAH. let's hope the lesson will get more exciting hehe. i'm always geared for action in class. =D
erm, no juveniles lah please (mz u can come choose too!). there got alot young girls. they can slowly choose.
stupid abs is flying to thailand to become a monk. zzz.
i'm all alone. SAVE ME. ok, things will work out lah huh. i look so young and friendly lor. HAHAH. right? right. wheee.
wah, so big. HAHAH. hope you enjoyed the short..erm..dinner today. don't worry. we'll have like mini-post-celebrations on friday lah huh. so sorry.
had tuition from 3-6pm (was supposed to be from 3-5 lor knn but she made me so mad from explaining mathematical concepts i had to stay back one extra FREE hour to make her wake up her idea zzzz. i'm such cheap labour). met haoz and yang at suntec for dinner. gene left. =((( didn't get to see him.
at fish&co. HAHAHA. haoz tio the birthday song and all. his i-wanna-get-off-the-stool-quick-face was classic. i couldn't stop laughing and my hand holding the camera kept shaking. HAHAH. erm, explains the damn shaky videos i took. LOLOL.
ehhh, i still that that plump guy quite cute lor. haoz and yang disagreed. wah lau. fine, now my taste sucks.
haoz, you are quite good-looking one lor. how come you like to make yourself so ugly? HAI. this one still ok. the next one is......
ok this one ultimate. hai. no haoz, the swordfish collar doesn't accessorize your face well.
cleared our platters. gos, we're such pigs. new york fish & chips, swordfish collar and stingray. zzzz. despite not having any meal for the entire day till this dinner, i feel damn full now i can explode. 0.0
left fish&co after the rather good service experience. haoz the birthday boy never went out to see the fountain of weath before in its full glory. so....we headed out.
hanor, i'm so zilian cannot take it. HAHAH. sibei hot ok. =( heng cannot see my bad skin.
nice colors. nice songs. =) -dance dance-
ME AND BIRTHDAY BOY!!!! =) we have blue aura lor. wah lau, so chio. HAHA!
they cannot act normal one ok. i swear i felt like i was taking pictures for two ah bengs/uncles from kopitiams. -_-''' i guess this is what 12 years of friendship does to you. HAHAHA. together forever huh? so romantic. =D
the picture seems to say-
haoz: -whiney voice- my dear weiyang is so shuai....hehe. -poke poke-
yang: -dulan voice- get your hands off me lah!
ok i know my viewty is shittymama compared to your nicey DSLR. =( but i thought the picture was quite nice! =) luckily i lowered my ISO to 200 at the fountain. the colors turn out nicer!
final picture of the day before we trudged our way to the mrt station to take train. zzz.
on the train i laughed until i almost ran out of air. -_-''' being with them gays never fail to make my day. watching them get at each other is enough already. HAHAH. cheers to their friendship! =)
oh man i look so fat today. cmi. HAHAH.
side note: eh, on the train to meet the two of them, i found alot pple staring at me lor. kaoz i had no idea what was it they were looking at. my pimples? my flying mad hair? my fats? zzzz.
it's those stare until sibei obvious. two guys stood opposite me for the entire journey and they were like blatantly STARING into my face. i looked at them and they can continue staring back. wtf. so uncomfortable can. i had to divert my eyes elsewhere and close my eyes to pretend i was sleeping. zzzz. siaodingdongs.
shalala. i keep thinking of the jap manager back at central's wakashiya. hehehe. but, i'm not ready for another round of curry udon thanks. =S
ok free day tml. to decide to go archery. cut hair. run. or just stay home and rot my ass off. zzz.
i hate the weather!!!!
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