having known this guy since sec 3 till now, through all the thick and thin; from mere acquaintances to closer friends that we are now.
from simply knowing him as the-guy-with-XX-at-the-ice-skating-rink-and-from-scouts-sibei-noisy-one ---->>to someone i cannot use words to describe anymore.
if i were to give a speech about him, i doubt i'll never be able to use the appropriate words to express what kind of person he really is like (both good and bad HAHA).
i guess he's the type that is smart but, more of street-smart than textbook-smart.
easy-going and carefree.
loud and noisy when needed; soft and gentle when needed. flexible indeed =D.
sporty, determined and high perseverance level.
rational, understanding, kind, caring, mature and helpful.
he sensitive, sensible (sometimes), irritating and annoyingly funny, can take a joke well, a great actor, and most importantly, he is a great friend.
the academic struggles in rv.
then discovering miracles at Olvls results day whereby both of us realized we obtained a score of 12 points...which was frankly, a feat for both of us HAHAH.
and yes, he is prolly the first guy i've ever hugged out of pure joy LOL. i couldn't stop jumping up and down and screaming and crying...tears of relief; overwhelmed.
there's the JC days...same class...same struggles...same troubles...
and his endless encouragements for my hockey woes.
his never-ending faith and belief in me. subtle, but touching.
then the Alvls results day...where again, his shoulders were there for me..but tears of dispair this time.
ha...time flies, doesn't it?
it's been...6 years? no?
i hope this frienship is gonna last for a long long time. mushy yes i know, but i mean it.
and i sincerely wish for his happiness in the near future.
because he really deserves it.
thank you lim zihao.
even for a small gesture like buying gummy bears (dinosaurs wtf) just because i wasn't feeling very happy.
thank you for always being there for me.
for picking up where we've left off after eons of not meeting up.
for being retarded and bringing smiles to everyone's faces.
i hope you enjoyed ur 21st birthday! =D
you know we love you! hahaha.
here's a qiuck rundown of how the waxing occurred.
seemingly innocent meetup turned to a shock for mr hairless armpits.
blindfolded at level 1 of cahay after being misleaded into thinking that there was a surprise birthday celebrations at BJ. HAHAHA.
aye i'm such a good actor ok. cannot take it. i cannot believe how long i managed to hide this from him HAHAHA. sorry dude.
into....STRIP! we bought a package for him to wax his underarms entirely. LOL. it was a tough decision, since the male therapist was not on duty, meaning that we could not do a boyzillian for him. and considering his leg hair being SO important to him, i could not risk losing that 5 years friendship just to watch him in pain HAHAH.
i'm so smart lor. haiii. that gene still wanted to do leg hair. tsktsk!
into the room!
struggling and attempting to get out HAHAHA. but our trusty bodyguards gene and yang prevented the escape.
here we have gene guarding the door.
meanwhile videos were taken while zihao was enjoying his waxing session, squirming about on the bed, enjoying the company of the cute lady on duty, and periodically giving out weird laughters. this was of course, after MUCH cursing and refusals to proceed with the waxing initially.
after the wax, this is haoz with his cute lady. HAHA. he looks so happy no one will believe we forced him to wax ok!
hairless armpits are seriously more hygienic and fashionable now! considering all the male celebs going into grooming and emphasis on nicely trimed body hair! you should not feel less of a man lim zihao!! hahahah.
waiting for mr hairless armpits exit from the room. that's sharon there (yang's gf!). my first time meeting her and chatting to her. but from what i can gather, she's really nice and gentle! HAHA. aye not like me (i shall not go into the details about my optician saying i look like this MALE celeb knnccb).
sibei shiny armpits. HAHAHAH.
wtf he is pouting! -_-''' this was outside STRIP! and we presented him with a melting icecream tub from BJ and sang a birthday song to him!! YAYYY.
after! group shot. yes my hair suck HAI. i never fail to amaze myself at how ugly i am wtf. i'm serious ok. fuck.
wah lau smelly HAHAHA. the 3 gays.
the gay and two girls. YES YES i wanted to censor my face knn. really damn ugly HAI. i believe i am degenerating wtf. i think also cos' i was bloody tired that day and hence that haggardness.
aye. fairy godmother please make me pretty too!!!!
ok to mark the end of my post, i hope that lim zihao's birthday wishes come trueee. HAHA.
jiayou in school because i know you're smart! whee.
ok now i kinda fear my birthday. the thing about birthday tricks are that they go in a full circle. -_-''' i'm a girl i should be alright huh. HAHAHA.
besides 7th june is a saturday and i should be working 11-11 as usual. shalala. safe (:
pps: if anyone is wondering how come a camwhore like me never appeared in much pictures this time, it's cos' 1) hair sucked 2) i was the cameraman wtf.
ok outta here. fucking tired. tuition in 2 hours. yawns. i just wanna sleep.
gonna try again tml.
you can do it if you want it bad enough.
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