deleted my inbox from 200 odd messages to about 16 left. -_-'''
tuition was tiring..what's new? but at least i'm not the only one working hard. thankful to see it being mutual. not for vain. that's all that matters.
got my pay for tuition. yay-ness. finally my taiwan trip fund has got some ball rolling!!!
videoezy was quite tolerable. the people are generally nice. and H is back HAHAHA. from china lehhh. went to visit his wife lor bianggg. never bring nice food back. hmpff. LOL.
i don't care lah. i told him cny'09 i must go take ang bao from him since he's getting married next month. HAHAHAH. then he said CONFIRM can as long as i go find him then. wheeee.
then i overheard two customers talking to each other about travelling overseas to study and leisure-wise. zzz. the irony. studying in a university in NYC but i've never been there. ROARRRRR. nevermind. confirm can go there one day.
first...taiwan!!! the only place to go when young! if not all the "magic" is lost! =DDD
xiaogui da dong all must wait for me ok!!! hehehehe. -getting high-
told H he should be a nice boss and sponsor me to H-SCHOLARSHIP TO NYC so i can fly there. HAHAHA. wtf. sian he told me unless i marry him it's impossble. wth??? stupid.
then he kept wanting to go for smoke breaks so i niao him cos' he's getting married and still smoke so much plus his health ain't exactly scoring A1 mans. wth lah he. HAHAHA then my new nick name for him is CHOU NAN REN. LOLOL.
because can you believe it??? his wife was the one who asked him if he had feelings for her....then proceeded to propose to HIM after some time. WTH????
seriously then he still don't treasure her. slap him mans. LOLOL. hence chou nan ren. -grins-
he got really tired towards the end of our shift so i did most of the work and entertaining customers. LOL. yayness. quite nice lahs. i think i can be damn PR when i want to. =DDD
was looking through a few other pics. this one is quite nice lehhh.
then got the chui pics from SEMESTER 1 nonetheless. -_-''' how come i'm so ugly. HAHAHAH. ghost ghost ghosttttt. we've got a cycling-movie-dinner date this coming hols!!!! YAYYY.
errrr. mz and nehneh became thinner. HOW COME I NEVER????? HOW COME ONLY I KEEP BALLOONING KNN. ok nvmmm. i AM thin. -_-''' (will psychoing work?)
HAHAH. anyways. i confirmed that gucciman definitely is my neighbour and seeing him at the busstop on my way to school is so funny. because he acts like he doesn't know me, and vice versa. HAHAHA. wth. okkk. nvm. not that working at videzy is so glam mahs. HAHAHA.
damn so many movies i wanna watchhhh. hahaha. i'm pretty proud of myself today. sold quite a few packages. then was SUPERRR helpful towards alot of people. HEHEHE.
i'm good ok!! =D one time per week but i daresay i'm quite smart lah hor. WTF. HAHAHA.
okkk. i've got to look at the edited report i made mel do and send out to the next editor. zzz. tired.
GOGOGOGOOOOOOOO. superwomanjelly!!!!
ps: i think my social networking websites officially died. zzz.
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