Sunday, April 27, 2008

aching like mad.

my throat hurts from the teaching. today is hiongness. =(
then after that was lousy work at videzy.

lousy because Pboss sucks and is tmd anal and talks with a condescending tone every freaking second it annoys me. she claims she's damn nice and knows PR and all that shit--bullshit.

i've had enough today. i smiled at the her moment i opened the door. i was actually looking forward to a good time at work. then the moment i started, i got scolded for this and that and this and that. it annoyed the shit out of me.

then she made me shift two huge shelves of dvds and vcds nevermind. so she gave instructions and i MERELY clarified with her what she meant. apparently i understood wrongly as her words were ambiguous and of cos' i HAD to ask right?

that's feedback what. i mean that's communication.
so i asked. and she kb-ed me all over again and spoke as in I AM RETARDED and cannot understand SIMPLE ENGLISH.


lucky i had job of shifting all those dusty shitty cases and it allowed me the opportunity to slam those discs around AS IF i were really working damn hard and busy.

WTF. YES i know i'm damn childish. but i was boiling mad. i least Hboss speaks nicely to me and TEACHES instead of REPRIMANDING. wtf. excuse me, you are the highest post in that bloody shop you should god damn well know how to communicate better.

and i was mad. but now....i'm too tired to be mad, really. sigh.
complained to Hboss and he tried to cool me down and told me this is the world when i go out to work. i totally understood his logic lah...but..i don't know man.

this really isn't very PR at all. -shrugs.

so i sulked and pouted all day when i didn't have to face customers and i was DAMN BLOODY GLAD when she finally left after that 1 hour i had to share with her. THREE CHEERSSSSS!!!

felt so much better without her presence.

i actually contemplated quitting. wtf. i need another tuition first. then i'll just wipe my ass and say byebye. sigh, and byebye to my free dvd rentals.

anyway, i rented 3 dvds and 1 vcd; out of which 1 dvd and 1 vcd are for my sis. the other two dvds are for myself. hmpfff.

gonna watch and return by monday. during Hboss's shift. don't wanna see Pboss man. dulan.

and i actually was allowed to rent 3 dvds max. but i deh abit with H and he agreed to let me rent the extra vcd for sis. HA. so glad.

ok, tml is a long day. gotta leave house by 930am to pray for my wai gong.


PS: read this entry from haoz. i thought it was quite hilarious. =D

PPS: did you notice i have an ad on my page? HAHAHA. LOVELOVELOVEEEE. ok wtf.
thanks to nuffnang! let's hope i have extra income rolling in soon!!!

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