done with com242 rough draft. left the final draft.
and today while i was rushing through the remaining sections of my rough draft in class after nina's com300 peer evaluation, i heard people commenting about starting to study for finals.
wtf. i swear. i went speechless (not that i was talking in the first place because i was simply too tired).
stayed up till 6am doing my pathetic draft. which....looked passably ok. i hope bob gets fooled by it too. -_-'''
napped 2 hours whereby i had countless dreams amidst sms from mz and 2 alarms which went off and i silenced them zzz. got morning call by yan at 830am promptly. yan should just manufacture her own alarm clock company.
she is the most persistent and responsible early morning waker so far. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
i mean.....she called a total of like 8 times???
then smsed like 4 times???
just to make sure i woke up wtf.
thanks babe. you totally predicted me correctly.
i will kb if you wake me up when i ask you to wake me up.
but if i asked you to wake me up AND you DIDN'T, then you DIE.
i'm damn anal about that.
still....anyways, some pictures before i continue rambling. taken when i had to wear that disgusting big shoulder pads blazer for 2 days consecutively for presentations...
ya lah ya lah fat face.
see i tried to open my eyes as wide as i could in my half-dazed state and made my face thinner by sucking in. HAPPY NOT.
appearing all cheery and....alert. bullshit.
actually a blazer does make me look more formal. HAHAHA adds years to my age. wheee.
mz's toes are prolly the most disgusting toes i've ever seen. asides from those i see on health boards' posters talking about skin diseases all that. -_-'''
i think she's really from china lor. i mean her toes are HAHAHAHA. she can bend the 2nd toe WITHOUT touching her feet and hide it totally UNDER the base of her foot. how GROSS is that?!!!
"rehearsing" for mgm301 which lead to more of slacking. HAHAHA.
classic lah. mz in apron. omgs. i will never eat anything she cooks...unless....i'm starving. 0.0
HO SEI LAH. HAHAHAHA. her head too big, can put apron in CANNOT TAKE OUT??? you tell me where to find such a funny friend. all -day entertainment lor. no wonder got xue zhang #1.
HAHAHA. ok lah let's all boycott together ok. =(
my com300 group leader is damn sexaayyy. HAHAHAHA. i made him do this since he kept pulling his pants up while talking to me. what a good sport! =D love ya curls! HAHAHA.
he has a damn good jap accent. i literally fell in love with him after listening to those sound wave files he sent while i was doing com242. =(((
i'm gonna start learning jap.
watashi-wa kewaii ne!
hontou ne?
han dai yo, hontou hontou atsui desu ne!
ok enough.
lol. anna made this out from the postcards she kop-ed somewhere. then she gave me. cute right! hahah. er yes. think positive!! WOOO. backdrop is computer and its cooling balcony wth. then foreground we have my big nice name and my ub number from my biblo. zzzz. for com242 obviously.
and i'm so in love with this top!!!! sobs. but ya lah i'm too fat ok.
this sea horse rocks lah. blue and cheesy HAHAHA. it's telling me to GO!!!
another awesome top. YUMS. can someone please buy for meeeeee.
the past few weeks have been hell. and i foresee more till the end of this semester. it helps that everyone is encouraging everyone else.
but it's still....tiring and scary to think about.
mgm301, com242, com125 finals. -screamssss.
then it's gotta be more work work work to earn $$$ for tw trip..sigh.
and to pay up my insurance debts wtf.
i'm severely deprived of shopping. and yes lah, i know i keep wearing the same clothes over and over again. this is what happens when you're too fat for your clothes and you can only fit a few and the other clothes are too old and orbiang to wear. SIGH.
handed in com242 draft today with mel at 536. bob was there. HAHA he's lame shits. but i still think he likes males more than females. TSKKK. yoohannnn. lol.
J talked to me today finally on msn. looks like me holding back for his first initiation was right. at least things are fine now. no apologies or whatsoever, but still..better than that hostility initially. at least i made the effort for some contact and conversations in school during com300. -_-
amidst the rushing of deadlines, i felt so...torn.
but i've come to the conclusion that teojielin is stupid as usual and giving herself more trouble than she really needs. as a result, she will ignore everything and pretend it's all just a game. like it usually ends up as.
no one getting hurt but she. this time, it's gonna be different. she'll remain unscathed.
tuition today with P was relatively ok. dozed at some points and started talking gibberish as i read out her graphic stimulus to her. zomg lahs. damn bad.
had to jolt myself awake. SIGH. this is what 2 hours of sleep does to you.
got quite short-tempered at certain point in time, managed to cool down, then teach her again. i think she's learning better now. thank god. i think she's pushing herself more cos of the goals i made her set for herself.
with goals and dreams, everyone is a better person, don't you agree.
told her to believe in herself. no doubts. just believe.
ok i'm tired. friday is off day. no one is touching it.
sat should be getting my 75bucks pay. and videzy. and 400 bucks pay. untouchables still. SIGH. i want pretty clothes...i wanttttt.
ok i got. wtf. must psycho. cannot think thoughts of lack!
im rambling. i wanted to blog something good but i forgot. so byebye.
see, when i'm free, i'm dateless.
when i'm busy, everyone has functions for me to go to.
this is just........unjust. ROARRR.
ps: i wonder why people actually read my entries to hear me ramble about my lousy school life which equates to no life.
god, travelling is gonna redeem me.
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