Tuesday, September 20, 2005


although its 1:50am right now, and im supposed to be in bed since 90% of Singapore's population is, i CANNOT SLEEP! all because i happened to chance upon my friend's blog and read something that really boiled my blood.


you see, one of the cons of blogging, is perhaps that people can remain anonymous about their identity. people can leave bitchy comments about others and yet remain undiscovered. this sort of degrading and despicable actions, i've yet to stoop so low yet. i've always believe that when you want to say something, LEAVE YOUR REAL NAME AND BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID.

i simply detest people who leave comments under stupid nicknames like darkangel or even whiteangel whatever shit. it's nothing but a loser notion. i wonder when will these people grow up and think with abit more maturity. perhaps it's too much to ask for now, in this blogging world.

comments run strife. we hardly care what others say about us, because perhaps we are faced with too much comments everyday. be it positive or negative ones, they are flying around every second, like it or not. maybe i'm just being rash here, blogging about how lame and retarded these people are, resorting to such means just to insult people and not get caught.

BUT, i seriously think there is something wrong with such people. it renders me COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS at their cowardness! what is this world coming to? are we people who are afraid to stand up for what we said? even more so when we just insulted someone, and are SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF OUR PANTS to get found out and slammed by the owners of the blog? or maybe the owners will not even bother to slam them back, because i believe most of us are civilised people.

TELL ME. BUCKED TEETH GOT PROBLEM ISSIT??!! FUCK OFF LA. i can't stand it when people call names. please do uphold the basic respect and pride within yourself before you start calling other people mean names based on their appearance. a JOKE is fine. but NOT WHEN YOU FUCKING INSULT PEOPLE.

im so pissed. im even more pissed than the owner of the blog. just because this person is my friend and i feel the need to stand up for his stand. HE SIMPLY BLOGGED ABOUT HIS DREAMS. what the hell is wrong with you? DREAMING IS A CRIME NOW!??!

i can't believe it. no one has any rights to slam one else's dreams. NO RIGHT AT ALL! are you simply just jealous because you do not have any dreams to speak off? are you just jealous because of any of the capabilities he has? obviously a FRIEND of his would not resort to doing things like that. SO IF YOU ARE NOT HIS FRIEND AND FUCKING DON'T KNOW HIM WELL ENOUGH, DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ANY COMMENT!!!

and oh, may i remind you? you VOLUNTARILY read his blog. YOU VOLUNTARILY clicked on his blog to read what he wrote. did anyone force you? did anyone put a gun to your puny brain and threatened you to read what he wrote? i don't think so.

so if you are so free and have nothing to do, perhaps you could do the society a favour by attending some course that teaches you to uphold basic respet for OTHERS as well as for ONESELF. of what you have done, you have undoubtedly lost any (if you had any to begin with) respect for yourself, and others have of you.

DO NOT CRITICISE ME for i cursed and swear in this entry. this is my blog. read what i wrote: did i invite you to read my blog? do i care about your comments? NO!

im fully civilised, until i meet people like you, who i admit shamefully, bring out the worst in me. meeting humans of terrible nature does make me lose my composure at handling things, and this i admit proudly.

but at least i am proud and dare to stand up for what i just said. i meant every sentence.

sacarsm sacarsm. do yo know too much sacarsm can kill you? *shakes head* maybe one day you'll get beaten the daylights out of you just because you made a sacarstic comment infront of some people. maybe you'll even get sued for slander too! oh, the joy i'll experience!


what goes around definitely does comes around.

i can't believe i just wasted my time blogging about how low-class your actions were. you can say what i'm doing is equally low-class, but i don't care. at least you know who i am(see my REAL NAME?) and i simply spoke my mind. oh, is it a crime to you too?


im going to stop now. at least i've made my stand, so like it or not, buzz off and don't you dare provoke me again.

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