this is going to be a really long entry comprising of many many days events, so if you don't want to read it, then beat it.
ahhh, let's see..where did i stop off my previous entry..well, to start off with, the prelims are over!!! GONE!!! FINISHED!!! =D literally..and well, perhaps REALLY goners already..*sigh* heck la..gonna work harder...
oh ya! i was really touched when eileen msged me to wish me good luck for my physical geog paper! haha..*smiles*
anyway i only studied one topic each for both physical and human geog. can die already. hahahaha. at least i managed to crap my way through pretty much. =( nevermind la, i going to study geog liao..means alot to me...though i used to keep failing geog in secondary school, but miraculously i scored A2 for my Os geog paper despite not doing 2 Qs in the paper. two full Qs. hahahahaha. damn, im a lucky girl ss hist also scored A2!!!! wahhhh. i always maintained a C6 highest lehhh..hahahah..i was SUPER determined to go to arts fac. look where i am now. sighhhh, but you know what, since im technically a seudo-science/arts person, i SHOULD do well for both science and arts subject. *sigh* i hate to say that it's not so. in fact, i think im good at neither now.
gotta take things one step at a time i guess. just keep going. here already.
ahhh, yes, my dad FINALLY decided to get a new com. woO! new and improved, significance increase in efficiency. hahaha! :) but lappy is still dead la..can't do anything with my shuffle =(
going to fail my econs really badly. really screwed up. first time do econs until fell asleep. dammit.
ahhh, some really wierd things happened during exams that really cracked me up. mrs K--- was extremely nice to me by helping me adjust the aircon which was directly above me, and even SMILED and asked me whether it was all ok now. actually, she just shifted the aircon from blowing my legs to my entire body. but since i was trying to concentrate and she was SMILING down at me, just muttered "yes" and went back to my paper. hahahaha. turns out poor winnie was suffering under the air-con AFTER the adjustment too.
ahh, today's geog paper was hilarious. some maths teacher decided to yell into the mike to tell ANOTHER teacher to "check his own class only". omg. i seriously couldn't help but burst out laughing. it was fucking funny. where got teacher like that one??? ok la, nevermind. hahahaha. but it just tickled me. very bad distraction from the preparation of the paper. hahahha.
did i mention i fell down on the day of my physics paper 1 and 2 and my econs paper 1 and 2? it's really irritatingly and idiotically funny. *grimaces* see, the problem with me is that i find everything so funny i can't stop laughing at my idiot-cy. i can NEVER restrain myself from bursting out in laughter when i see other people fall down in front of me. mean? yup, i will not deny that, but i certainly think it's a great thing to be able to laugh at yourself when you do something stupid, like for down for example.
one may ask how did i fall down.
hmmmmm. a really embarassing situation i must say.
you see, jee cheng was asking me how do you convert temperature in degrees celsius to kelvins. so i was thinking and i got really confused of whether it is plus or minus the value. so i checked my notes, while walking down the stairs from the cafe to the track. when i found the correct formula, i turned to show jee cheng. the next thing i knew, i was on the ground. sprawled in an awfully embarrassing fashion. my knees hit the ground. wah, my right knee is the worst. kenna abrasion. hurt like hell. so i was grinning and grimacing at the same time.
the worst thing? THERE WERE SUPER ALOT PEOPLE AROUND ME. we were going for morning assembly's for god sakes. *sighhhhhhh* that was perhaps the most unglam thing i've done this year. very not proud of myself. but anyway, the moment i found myself on the floor, (i was in a state of shock, trust me) i heard alot people behind me going, "ehhhh you ok not???" and many people infront of me turned to look at me in shock. yea yea.
the worst thing? i fell in front of the hockey table. and we all know that the hockey table is full of activity. and the hockey people were heading to the track for assembly too. hahahaha. dammit. paula saw me fell for the second time..
super super unglam.
yuan shen couldnt stop teasing me about the fall for the entire day. and he went around tell people about it. tell nevermind. had to re-enact somemore. just so yuan shen.
pamela started the "act cute" taunting war. stupid idiot. hahahaha, nevermind, i still think she more act cute. =D she hates being called act-cute, and so do i. hahaha, so we irritate each other by calling each other act cute when we do anything individually and the other one is near.
dotdotdot. her logic all wrong ok!!! WHERE GOT PEOPLE PURPOSELY FALL DOWN TO ACT CUTE. bianggggg. she good. she win, this time. she die, next time.
hmmm, went out today after the paper to meet jieru who wanted to pass me something. turns out to be a bunch of lavender and a card! *clutches at my chest* darn, im REALLY REALLY touched man. i totally did not expect it..*sigh* i wished i had prepared something for you too..=( thanks girl!!! THE BEST PRESTO SISTA!!!! :D love ya to bitssss. still looking forward to a day when i get to stayover! :P
went to orchard with yun ma to meet the other guys. got berd, zh, zy, vek and eileen. oh yea, white ass came later. somehow i did not find the outing very enjoyable. *shrugs* i don't know why, till now, i can still never relate to some people..though i try very hard--not to say insensitve things, not to do insensitive things, but somehow, some people just don't give a damn. THEY give insensitive comments instead. *shrugs* perhaps life is all about taking things easy, dun give so much a damn about anything. i wished i cld take that approach, but i think the feelings of my close friends mean alot to me. not just cos' i want to PLEASE others whom i doubt i care much about. besides, they probably don't care much about me too. such attempts of kind actions are probably one-sided and never requited.
i know i know. they say give but do not expect anything in return. but i simply cannot tolerate ultimate insensitiveness. the worst thing is that one finds it totally hilarious to make fun of one based on the limited knowledge he/she has on the other person. and you know what's worse? others simply laugh along. maybe they are just afraid to stand up for ther friends.
i detest such people. and i detest such behaviour. go get some backbone. im sick of being not-me just to please you. im sick of holding myself down just to make you happy or not hate me or make fun of me. im just utterly sick of being so not me.
please DO NOT fucking anyhow infer from what i typed and think im talking about you. cos' i fucking don't want anyone to accuse me of being insensitive. i just feel this immense dislike now. this huge attitude i have. undesirable perhaps, but im just fucking irritated of how things are sometimes. ignorance is bliss. yet i cannot turn a blind eye to things that happen around me. not when they involve the people i love.
anyhow, i returned to school to prepare to surprise the turkey for HER BIRTHDAY!!! :D went back with yun ma, convinced her to take train with me to harbour when she cld take the train to her station instead. :P WE SAW DEEPAN!!! hahahha, we were going down the escalators and he was like quite far away, camel-walking towards the train platform. actually i wasn't too sure.
"ehhh yun ma!! see, look like deepan leh!!"
"really not??"
"ya, let's go creep up on him and scare him!"
"don't want la, later wrong person how??!"
"aiyya, you see that guy so BL*CK, walk like ah beng, confirm is him la. never see anyhow so BL*CK as him before. CONFIRM!"
hahahha. shit. HEY IM NOT BEING RACIST OK! deepan is my BEST FRIEND!! :) but he is REALLY tanned la. must be all that soccer and hockey.
anyway i convinced yun ma to run with me to creep up on him. hid behind the signboard for pretty long deciding how to scare him. hahahah. in the end we pounced on him from behind. :P damn funny. he jumped.
"ehhh! you scared ah!"
*shakes head violently* "NONSENSE! where got!!"
hahahha. best friend's pet phrase is "nonsense", i found out. :P so we took to harbour together. 3 of us. then yun ma decided to itchy mouth tell him about our previous conversation. then unfortunately for her, depan thought that SHE was the one who made the "B" comment and immediately demoted her to "best enemy" again! ahahahahah. poor yun ma. hahahah, i just kept quiet, smirking. :P too bad deepan didn't believe that it was me. hahahah! cracked me up, the both of them.
so it turned out that deepan was VERY late to meeting hanis to get the cake. went around to find the PERFECT cake. alot alot of arguments. that stupid best friend decided that it was MY JOB to get the perfect cake. then keep scolding me for not choosing quickly. THEN, he made me go back to school alone with the cake while the two of them "rush around Singapore in 40 minutes to find a present". hanis thinks Singapore is very small, but travelling still needs time. deepan says "confirm enough time la! i confirm!" he thinks deepan thinks he is India. HAHAHAHAHA. i don't know why he got such irrelevant thoughts. a lit student indeed.
WORST. he don't know how to pronounce "mousse". LIT STUDENT LEH. he told me its "MOUSE" or "MOU-SEI".
really not ah? i also don't know how to pronounce leh.
anyway, it was a banana chocolate cake! i hop turkey loved it!
besides, SHE BETTER. hahahaha. ok la, im really sorry i smeared your hair with the cream. =( i wanted to aim for the face only, but you kept moving about ma. hahahaha.
BUT, you returned with revenge of the BIRTHDAY CAKE BASE. ULTIMATE!! hahaha, i was drinking water from the water cooler. then i heard monica yell run! when i looked up, the turkey was flying at me. WAH, REALLY FLY OK. wings flapping and all. AND the base of the cake in her bands. i knew i was doomed.
i tried to run. but suddenly like got alot people infront of me. then to avoid them i had to siam through them. which apparently slowed me down. cos' i felt the base hit my back. DOOMED. the turkey stood there laughing away. that moncia was laughing. horrible ingrate! hahahaha. but ok la, i deserved it! :D the birthday girl is the one with the say!
hope your blouse ain't too bad too! *regret*
love ya girl! i hope u erm, liked our "surprise". hahaha, u're the best captain ever, the greatest friend to have around! :)
ah. monz kindly offered to help me wash my ruined blouse. it was terrible. like i rolled in mud, or a VERY HUGE PILE of SHIT. really disgussting. hahaha. even the muslim stall auntie sympathised with me. helped me clean up abit. thankful really. :) next time buy fruit cake if want to smash people. less damage. hahahaha!
my blouse became totally transparent after that. wet with water. terribly cold and uncomfortable. hahahah. lazed around for a while. then decided to head for dinner after endless, directionless discussions. ended up at harbour front because it was "the central for everyone maaaa". quoted from xl or goh i forgot.
anyhow, the time from then was so awesome i literally had cramps at my jaws and stomach from laughing. can say i almost died from laughing. never laughed so hard and genuinely for SO LONG! damn, the feeling is great! :) going out with goh, xl and monz really made my day today. :)
the conversations we had was so full of shit that we ended up in shrieks of laughter after an average of ONE SENTENCE. god, i almost hyperventilated. lack of oxygen. xl stomach cramped. monz became psychotic. goh was ultra loud.
we were talking about the murder of late, the one involving the filipinno maids.
"wah that murder very disgusting lehhh. how she got so much energy to chop up people ah??!"
"aiya, people that are angry can do anything one!"
"hanor! you don't see people si si wen wen actually can be very sick one.."
*everyone turns to look at xl*
*uncontrollable laughter*
"ehh, that 3 women sitting there keep staring at us leh!"
"really ah? we know them meh?"
"don't think so.."
"wahh, stare wad stare, careful i chop you all up ah!"
(that was spoken in a very monica crazy tone, which cracked us up like hell. because we CAN imagine her chopping up people)
and besides, she was VERY loud.
we didn't want people to think that we are a bunch of maniac choppers going around chopping up people who stare at us.
but it was really funny cos' the three women were wearing similar stripped shirts and they kept looking over at us, which bothered them alot. i did not even notice la..hahaha.
"wahhh!! THE DRINK VERY EXPENSIVE LEH! LIKE THAT $1.60 LIAOOO! GO COLD STORAGE 90 CENTS ONLY!" (note: the caps shows how loudly auntie goh was talking)
three of us: -_-'''
"ehhh, i know i very short la! don't keep talking about this topic can?"(goh)
"are you taller than paula ah?"(asked by monz)
"ehhh, i look like right? but paula say she same height as me lehhh!"
"paula must be lying!"(monz)
"jill also around same height right? why she look taller ah? must be she very skinny."(monz and xl)
(please ntoe the caps again)
i am very sure at least half of yoshi knows that goh thinks she is very fat and prefers 90 cents cold storage drinks than $1.60 drinks from the outlet. hahahha. dammit she super funny.
got better ones.
"wah lau you so kiam peng go to toilet drink water from there la!"
*hysterical at this point*
and she THINKS she is CORRECT.
retard monz had to add onto the poor english.
-in between laughters-
FROZEN la!!!"
*cmi already. i was bending from all the laughing. my jaw muscles like going to snap anytime*
yes. both of them thought they were RIGHT. it was so outrageous the 4 of us cldn't stop laughing like hell. thinking back now, i think the people present must have thought we were out of our minds. =X
more bad english from monica. we were talking about something about weisheng, her LAOGONG.
"blah blah blah....wah lau, i so gek until i want to
i tell you. at this point. the other 3 of us really cmi cos' we were laughing till we had i)stomach cramps ii)jaw muscles aching iii)tears in our eyes iv)hyperventilating from the lack of air.
you know what's so funny about the entire thing? the way they said it so confidently and agitatedly. and then they go:
"huh? not correct mehhh?"
which totally adds onto the present fits of convulsions due to the unlimited idiot-cy.
ahhh, alot more crappy stuff contributed by all 4 of us. but it was just a normal conversation! hahahaha.
involved alot of jason teasing and goh's previous nosebleed incident. wah, really laughed my heart out. enjoyed myself thoroughly. those girls don't know how much they made my day! :)
you know when i know i'm stressed?
1) pimples the size of mount everest pop up at the right side of my face ONLY.
white ass:"ehhh, why your pimples all on the right side of your face only???!" -proceeds to laugh at his own comment-
me: -_-'''
2) when eye rings appear under your eyes due to lack of sleep. the eye rings appear to look like mascara that ran off when touched by water.
3) you basically do not give a damn of how you look.
sis:"wah lau you whole there sit there to study,
pigu confirm become bigger! no wonder you so fat!"
me: =(
4) when your close friend tells you you are PLUMP. and you usually don't care. but it depresses you this time.
5) when you look at yourself in the mirror and realise how ghastly pale you look without activities in the sun. like a vampire indeed.
6) when you become crazy and decide not to cut hair cos it would "cut away all you've studied".
i want to post pictures!!! but my lappy is as good as dead. switch on already hang. the ultimate. and the worst thing is i have everything from sec sch onwards and hundreds of songs. =( if all gone, i also will die.
really will totally make me depressed. must save my com!!!
darn, anyway, i think the best presto sista ever will be reading this entry. so hiiiii!!! hahaha :D
i loved the lavenders mannnnn. muacks muacks. let's continue fa hua chi-ing! :D sHhhhh.
i found out yun ma watches the nurse show also. hahahah.
im so addicted. i look forward to weekends cos' got the show.
later got family dinner. don'y know where parents takin us to. hahaha. i wanna watch be with me that movie!!! abbas asked me watch with him!!! i wannnnn. but no time. =(
ys just msged me online to check on my shirt. and somehow we got to this topic of the fall. this is how terrible he is. of ALL people, he witnessed it??!!
Shen* says:
Shen* says:
Shen* says:
i suddenly see u drop in front of me la
Shen* says:
haha.. i was like..
Shen* says:
"where did she disappear to?"
Shen* says:
Shen* says:
so funny man
Shen* says:
hahahahahaha.. canot help it la.. really super funny la(*nick changed to protect privacy of the mentioned.)
terrible isnt it?
wah, blog till very tired. my injury from the fall very painful. got pus liao. hahahaha. bathing become very torturous.
i so want a camera. T5 or T7 would be niceeeeee :) *hint hint*
wo yao jia ge you qian ren!!!!
this world is full of moments i wish to capture, yet have no ability, or the depth to do so.
i realised how good looking you are again. when i catch a glimpse of you as i walk past the hall doors after exams, my heart skips a beat. utterly wrong and sinful. i should not indulge in it.
must put an end to all this craziness.for everyone who religiously read every line of this entry till this ending, CONGRATULATIONS!!! you have effectively managed to complete reading a bunch of time-wasting words! :) hope you enjoyed it anyway.
very tired. i need my 12 hour sleep again.