look! my one star cert! with my huge name on it. -proud- HAHAHA. ok lah fine, nothing much right. happy cannot ah!
er yes, you can actually see how i conveniently sling my clothes across the armchair because i'm too lazy to fold it up nicely. can choose my clothes to wear in the morning mahs. don't worry i don't sling underwear. HAHAHAH.
com300 group went for atonement at vivocity today! group bonding! -grins-
anyway the movie is really good. i like the chronological sequence. the characters. the plot; how guilt is so pure, real and direct. and how it translates across and induces so many thought-provoking questions.
of course, it's difficult not to observe some product placements in the movie too. HAHAHA. sorry ah, bad habit after taking comms.
like at the back of the bus robbie was chasing after had the poster advertisement of: if you're tired, get a guiness(spelt like that right?).
shopped around. found many nice clothes i wanna get but cannot because of all my outstanding pay. grrrrrr.
halfway walking and slacking around, the pub boss called. YAY I GOT THE JOB. this friday first day.
start small jielin! (:
starting to believe is so amazing. (:
now i'm so scared of losing concentration in school work. at least i try to pay attention in class and absorb as much as i can. but i need to work harder! jielin!!! WORK HARD OK!
sigh. my mum cannot wait till i graduate and go out to work. i think my fees are killing her. apologetic and helplessness. the only thing i can do is earn my keep and try to reduce more of her burden. and my father's. it's so hard to ask. and i don't bother asking anymore.
keep believing. keep visualizing. keep feeling.
starting to read the papers is good.
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