still hard at work filling in the paysheet. sobs.
abang and adik! -grins.
t3 and that lustrous a380. IT WILL BE MY RIDE.
self-taken lousy shot. just to prove we've been there. i have a nicer indiv shot on monz's phone. but she lag lah. always never send me till 13984385473829 years later. MONICA LONG DO YOU SEE THIS???!
monz always has this face. TSK. HAHAHA. viewing gallery lahs.
just basically short round-up of what i did the last weekend (i think, i cannot rmb exactly anyway) and this earlier part of week.
dinner-ed with nehneh at clementi sumo japanese restaurant. ate until i couldn't stop burping and nehneh kept breaking into hystericals cos' of that. HAHAHAH. what lahs, i'm the burping machine can. even she also full until burp lor. TSK!!!
nua-ed there to chat abit. ok fine, we chatted alot. i mean i've not really sat down to talk to her heart to heart since school started! how sad is that?? heart to hearts are important. chatting to her feels real and sincere. simple things like this, i tend to take for granted. must remind myself cannot!!! btw, thanks nehneh for listening and contributing your own stories. HAHA. and your tips. i will TRY my best ok! (:
finally reached home. gonna settle down to read about second life by tml i hope; so that i can blog about it for com125. zzz. i don't know if he posted my blog on the delicious tags not, cos' i cant find it there. wtf. -eyes popout- should be heading to bed soon for grp project tml.
going to meet the boss at videoezy at 130pm cos' the guy smsed me around 11plus. i hope i get the job. can watch free and just out of the oven movies! LIKE HOW COOL SEH. and it's something damn refreshing. omggg. loves. and it's located at this quiet, quaint nook of clementi which i love, cos' can avoid all the traffic and noisy kopitiams and neighbourhood.
looking forward to the weekends! dragged a very willing mr fate to accompany me to eat dessert at the dessert shop in people's park cos' i saw it recommended on tv(asides from others which i cannot rmb the addresses =( ) before his work. that's saturday. then sunday hopefully can meet haoz and gene to crash gene's still very new home to dvd-nua and skype with bishiiiii. loves loves.
and after ages, i finally talked to wanyi to update each other! oh mans, she's flying soon. will miss her loads. it's rare to find someone who can click from the soul with you and we've barely known each other for half a year(estimate lah)! -smiles- i will miss her so damn much. sighs.
ps: the secret is working. (: start small to build that faith.
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