first day of school was BLAH. at least no more mornings mornings. mr buddha and mr can't open eyes are my two new lecturers. wonder who will be the other 2 whom i'll see tomorrow. this semester's workload seems heavier, with hefty weightage on certain portions. dammit, so dead. no motivation again. nua.
was supposed to get my phone after school. was pouring cats and dog when i finally alighted from the bus. zzz. luckily i had on my trusty green hoody, managed to salvage myself from large volumes of water on my head. grr. but i like the chilly weather anytime as compared to that humidity we tolerate the rest of the year.
oh great. car-ed on papa's vehicle while he went to sent some stuff. i slept like a baby. HAHAHA. the weather was perfect. okok, i digressed. MY PHONE WAS OUT OF STOCK. WTFFF. -slap singtel-
let's pray i'll get it before friday. =(((( really not fated sia.
on the way home, cricket msged me. wheewhee! i am his adik! HAHAHAH. feels good to be even young for a few months. -grins- damn lame lah. but feels good to keep in touch still. =)
gonna continue reading my book. neglected it for a week already. guilty seh.
abs's present from hk to us. zzz. HAHAHA my sis said the calculator is damn smelly.
when i stepped out of my house this morning, this white fluffy blur looking dog was outside in the corridor having his suntanning session. LOL. it just sat there quietly, blinking at me time to time, as if he had no idea why he was sitting in the sun. uber cute. loves.
rotting on the car.
zzz. i often forget this mole on my upper lip. LOL. i hope it's not growing larger. moelyyyy.

it's always nice to see how uber cute and irresistably unreal people can be corny at times. =D

chic smart. i doubt it's wear-able on singaporeans though. definitely look damn out of place.
ayee feeling fat. restless. just wanna snuggle in bed all day and do nothing. buck up jielin!
i need another PT job. sigh.
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