small eyes.

she is very intellectual. really.
one of my kids drew this on her worksheet. cute.
my trademark pig on tissue paper box when i had flu.
i hate my internet. i swear.
it's temperamental. right now i should be glad i can stay online.
please let it be stable. fucking irritated how it can just crash and leave me suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
and i can't get a freaking inch of work done.
monday passed. did our photoshoot today. lame shit.
and that sweater made me so damn hot for the entire day. =(
shall get pics from abs to upload. HAHAHA. it's so fun with a camera around.
tuesday tomorrow. ugc quiz.
com 337 and 317 too.
i'm wondering why you didn't make any move. kinda bored.
i'm very friendly, if i like you.
are you gonna be like how i am to ____?
oh wells.
i needa clear my mind.
shall get my part done. =(
i hate school. really.
just bring me around the world, nothing to do, just admire and learn and travel.
dream on.
met abbas for breakfast at macs. was late. damn. SORRY!!!! =(
feels good to meet up with him after so long. chatted and caught up a little.
crashed at cc to get some ugc text into my head.
headed home. ran for 1 hour. stoned.
internet couldn't be revived.
i better get work done before my net dies again. byebye.
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