when i clicked it open, my head spinned once, twice, and my heart skipped a beat.
no way could i have been so lucky.
i had merely stumbled aross the advertisment online and i was planning to get a cam at sitex(which failed because i realised i have a severe lack of funds) so i was conveniently browsing all the websites and cam specs.
so i thought, hey, i have a few decent pictures. just gonna try and get them a little exposure. so i signed for flickr, and uploaded my miserly pics.
the next day--> refer to email.
zzzzzz. tell me it ain't a joke.
i sent in 3 pictures, nicely taken on the day we went haji lane.
the funny thing here was after i posted the pictures, this person added me as a contact(i'm an idiot to flickr). so i accepted. now she tells me she is manager of the contest. like WTFFFFF???!?!?!
well, i've got to send her my particulars soon. i think accomplishing this, assuming it's not a scam, is a pretty big deal to me. =) top 50 i also happy okkkk.
ha. my studies died. whoever who thinks i'm lying--go fuck yourself.
i wanna eat chilli crab, chocolate waffles, $1 ice-cream from the vendors, loads of gummy bears, SWEET AND SOUR PORK(super crave) and tiramisu (genuine ones please) cake.
bless me. thinking about it has made me fatter.
and i keep having stomachaches and shitting shitloads.
bad sign. please don't let me fall sick.
ps: i was daydreaming about mr dentist again. then i realised--ndc really alot of pretty lady dentists. ok i shall go die now. HAHAHAHA. (should have studied dentistry or something...can do my own braces plus...-GRINS-)
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