whether it was recklessness on their part, the bad weather, bad luck, or simply predestined, it was unfair. yes yes, what is fair in this world?
i hope you heard my words to you wz. once a brother, always a brother. santos raak.
to those who lost their loved ones too, i know it's impossible to say things to cheer you up. but everyone must be strong...live on for those who have lost. have faith that they impacted our lives in one way or another; brought us sunshine and love. where ever they are, they will find peace.
love those around you, be glad that you have friends surrounding you. treasure every single second, your family, your friends, everyone. don't wait till it's too late...to regret, to act, to hate, to love.
i love you guys, my friends. may not say it often, but yea...take care of yourselves.
don't let this hectic and alienating life consume you.
leave a little time out to spend with your beloved.
you never know what will happen the next second, day, month.
the clock is ticking.
went for sakae sushi dinner with family. it felt good. it's been...months since we went out together for a full meal.
spent my noon and evening finishing up the dumbass ugc. finally done. it's quite shitty, machiam everything dump inside and trying to make it cohesive. i think i failed. too tired to give a damn actually. PLEASE LET THE REST WRITE WORSE THAN ME SO I HAVE A CHANCE (yes i'm a selfish bitch). but let's have faith that selina loves me--hence will give me an A. MY LAST A for ugc211 please. =))))
2 days of ugc response paper writing is enough. becoming blind. time to start studying.....
for my finals. screwed pretty much. will try my best again.
i apologise for my abrupt behavior these few days. i really don't feel like entertaining when i was struggling to make sense of fucked up and still fucked up ugc essay and juggling with all the bad news.
those who heard me out, thank you. those who sent me songs to relieve me, thanks too. to those i ignored, really sorry. i hope the days get better.
i'm so tired.
and i dont even have the time.
i seek the release at the very end.
the promise of sunshine, laughter, eye-opening experiences.
to trot the globe, to see every inch of the world. my wish.
because if you tie me in one place, i will wither.
awaiting the reason still.
i just need that spark and a clue.
how time flies. i miss the good old days.
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