Thursday, November 23, 2006

increasing relational skills

1) Self disclosure:

-by disclosing more of who you are, you are showing yourself more to your partner.
-it has to be appropriate to the person involved.


just something i just read while lazily studying com101. sigh. i'm so way behind in my studies, yet not feeling any motivation to buck up. this really sucks big time. i gotta get my ass down to studying.


the withdrawal symptoms of addiction are bad.
it's even more fucked that he seemed not to have noticed my presence. grrrr.

addiction for addiction. i just need something else to indulge in this time.

because im tired of thinking so much. thinking of this, that, what, who, when, how.

it'll never work out.

unspoken words shall remain unspoken,
because an agreement is an agreement,
a promise is a promise,
a buddy is a buddy.
the line stays.

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