my messy hair with copper red highlights that actually look nicer as the day goes by HAHAHA. ok lah, it's worth fucking $83 bucks ok. wtf. i'm so poor. but nevermind. they say the hair makes a man. zzz. or woman in this case. it doesn't look posh or atas or chic or whatever, but it suits me so there. hmpffff.
omg see i got fatcheeks!!! HAHAHAH and fatbear is definitely growing fatter!!! but he exercises alot. i think because he eats alot also huh. good life HAHAH.
these pictures look like i'm some xiao nu ren. WTF i am not HAHAHAH. in fact, i do bully him quite a bit. anyone can ask him about my violence 0.0 sheesh. but nevermind because i love it that he always gives in to me and compromises. HAHA. sigh..i know i should put in more effort.
ehh!! i'm prolly the only girlfriend in this world who does the best massages ever HAHAHAHA.
and i'm proud of that ok! =d
but ok lah, fatbear loves me for who i am right? =DDD
give him a bit of ego boost huh. HAHA.
saturday had tuition. met with fatbear for lunch because he was in jurong area to swim. eww chlorine smellll. zzz. he drove so travelling was no problem. sigh. i super hate taking public transport. in fact, i insisted papa drop me at clementi on his way out so i wouldn't have to take that lousy bloody 189 who cheats my feelings. in toilet camwhoring at IMM for lunch. wah seh. empty toilet big mirror=camwhore lor pls. HAHAHA. and yes, i am dressed super sloppily. what to do? saturday lah, gimme a break. i'll be working half the time so doesn't matter. no one sees me in clementi. i live in the moutains. AHHAHA.
prolly the only day i'll wear jeans. asides from presentation days also. =S
went to daiso to walk walk and i forced fatbear to take this picture looking retarded HAHAHAHA. cos' i placed that crazy party hat on his head. and ok, fatbear isn't photogenic or something. =s
lunch was at.......PEPPER LUNCH. wtf. ok my first time eating there. so sua ku i know. but ok lahhh, i hate getting the hotplate smell on my clothes whattttt. hmpfff. but the meal was ok.
and we played this stupid number even-odd game to finish up our icecreams after the entire meal. omgggg. sucks lor. moral of the story is NEVER UP YOUR BETS. HAHAHAHA. wtf everytime i bet big big, then i lose. kns. have to devour entire mouthful of icecream. then became entire cupful. zzzzz. dies.
i conclude that fatbear looks chui because he is always chui when he doesn't do up his hair. but fatbear is chui like that what. HAHAAH. he's super slacky leh i think. and i'm probably the opposite. =X
dropped by fatbear's place to chill for a bit before work at VE. his sister, sister-in-law and son were in. plus his mum. the boy is super rascal lah!HAHAHA. shit.
and i taught him how to say "UGLY" while pointing at fatbear's picture. WAH LAU. but i think it's called retribution. because....
after that fatbear asked him whether i'm pretty or not. and that rascal replied with "UGLY" HAHAHAHAHAH OMFG. so stupid. =((((
but he seems to like me well enough. =D
he got so happy looking at me lor HAHAHAHAH. can't help it. =ddd
after a while, we left. fatbear sent me to work. the family was on the car too. and they're funny. very unlike my family. infact, both our families are probably poles apart too. HAHA. it's really interesting to just watch and observe.
VE was alright. worked alone. busy like fuck. sold a couple more packages. but i'm starting to like working alone. closing was alright. this is good because money had excess as usual instead of shortage. and forms were with me. i'm so happy. (:
fatbear came after work (after his super full dinner with family at crystal jade siaaa) to fetch me home. (:
after going home to bathe and rest for abit, did a pink panther and sneaked out to meet him downstairs. he said he was going to bring me to a mysterious place to see stars. wtf.
we ended up in sentosa. seriously, it was the first time i was in sentosa at night. the night was cloudy. but there were a few stars. thanks for the effort fatbear! (:
this is chui-ness just before i sleep at night. HAHA. apparently tired with eye rings and tired skin.
can you see me? hahah. being bored while fatbear stops by the petrol station.
ohhhh. fatbear mentioned that his family has a generally good impression of me. =DDD happiness! HAHAH and they said im pretty!
ohhhh. i suddenly remembered that when we were in sentosa, that fatbear wanna be manly and piggyback me because i was tired of walking. HAHAHAH.
ok lah ok lah i'm too fat ok. wtf. he piggybacked me until he almost died from heart attack i think. and i kept laughing and laughing i couldn't stop. HAHAHAHA. sorry lah. it was really hilarious what. told you i damn heavy liao you still want to piggyback. ok lorrr. now your back pain. HAHAHAHA.
aye. but this is reminder that i should start losing 5kg. wtf. my weight never changes. HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT??!?!?! =(((
i realized i am always way too affected by how others feel.
even when it's not my fault at all.
i feel guilty for nothing.
i have to stop this.
because it's plain stupid.
it's not my fault whatever that happens to you.
and my parents refuse to get itouch for me. good lor.
now i don't even get the chance to get my birthday present. GOOD LOR.
whatever lah. i didn't request for a bloody party cos' didn't want to waste money. then now i don't even have a bloody present even though it's 4 months after my birthday.
it's hard to be understandind even though i understand where they're coming from.
in this life, sometimes i just gotta rely on myself and myself only.
my life is just different from the rest.
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