woke up and got ready for tuition. still ok.
VE was just...bad. barely 15mins into my shift (share shift with myra 1 hour) and there was variance in cash already. wtf. dulan.
and i don't know where that variance came from.
see how Hboss settle.
i hope they don't black mark me or make me deduct that amount from my own pocket. sian.
it's 2:47am.
at 11am i have B tuition.
then 4pm is VE all the way till 11pm as usual.
bless me. i will survive this. money money money money. hai.
need to work harder for school.
like. not as smart. or good. or zai. zzz.
this semester seems like a splatter of lousy B+ (s).
i'm so unhappy with that.
i want to perform better.
that competitive streak in me is screaming.
i cannot let that 3.85 drop further.
mood been really bad this week. why huh?
pms? (pre)
aye. sian. in any sense, fatbear has pissed me off a few times.
be it me being unreasonable or not.
sorry fatbear.
thanks for everything. (:
i'm looking forward to sunday.
even though i think i might be lugging my laptop to many places wtf.
may everything go smoothly as what i've planned.
i'm really too tired to fight anything now.
good night.
ps: was web camming with fatbear. and he fell asleep first as usual. that pig. AYE.

pps: thanks pf for making me grin finally even though my mood was damn bad. believe it or not, you were the first person to make me laugh out loud tonight (the TOPIC of conversation you should know huh=D). i was really down in the pits. thanks babe. (:
ppps: LL, please come back to bless me. i need you.
ppppps: TEO JIELIN'S BRAIN PLEASE COME BACK. i feel so lost without you.
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