wanted to blog yesterday but i dozed off infront of the com when i got back and the thought of uploading the pictures one by one was too dreary and i went to bed HAHA.
today i was supposed to be angry at fatbear. because of certain things. but after refusing to pick up a call, hanging up on one, not replying to sms, i decided to be REASONABLE and sent a sms after that. and answered on msn. HAHA.
what. i am very very reasonable. (((:
in any sense, things are fine, and i got a treat afterwards for dinner. you can see that later! =D
meanwhile, was in school COM443-ing. the print ad lah. HAI.
i love them. they make my project life in 443 sane-r than could be possible under these circumstances.
lunch was chicken rice and this...favourite! soy milk! HEHE.
ugly, tired fat face. HAI. i need loads and loads of beauty sleep.
met fatbear after his work and popped by his place for him to change out of work clothes. headed to CCK (NEAR MONKY'S HOUSE WTFFFF) to eat chilli crab!!!
yums. salivating at this point already.
signs that my camera is really dying. sigh.
signs that i'm growing uglier. HAIIII. TELL ME HOW, FATBEAR! HAHAHAHAH.
wooooo. i was so hungry i had to eat some noodles first before taking pictures. and really, it's come to the point whereby fatbear will ask me if i wanted to take picture first before eating something. wth. win already.
btw, we had claypot tofu, fried noodles. chilli crab. WOOHOOOO!!
purely craving.
steaming hot.
do you want to eat some crabs tooo??? =DDD
ohhh, who can forget the man tou? omggg. at the end of the meal, both of us were so full lah! zzz. cmi.
nice nice fatbear who peels everything for me. HAHAHA.
hanar, very expert. first time i see people crack up crab shells until the "meat" inside is the only things left. wtf. 0.0 damn zai.
but seriously, based on the law of diminishing marginal returns, the taste of the poor crab was becoming less satisfying with every bite. too full le!!!
end result. we are pigs man. shit. must eat lesser huh..both of us fat fat le. =s
this is the super old handphone cover nehneh bought last time. i remember that i was with her when she was contemplating to get it. and now it has reappeared. lest slightly...erm...worn? HAHA. and today nehneh just asked me why don't i love it.
i told her if she let me draw a mole on it, then i may love it. i want those BA GUA MOLE.
HAHAHAHHA. she wanted to let me draw ok. wtf. but of course i'm so nice i meant that as a joke lahhh.
see? so cute lor. how to attack it?
again another meeting after useless slowmo's lesson to finalise the print ad so we could send them for printing for wednesday's class. looking chui as usual. SIGH.
the rest.
bored and had to take some pictures. i had to delete many of them because really gone case lor. hai. where did my beauty and brains go?? HAHAHAH. yes lah, i had them before ok. zzz.
weisi so cute! HAHA.
print ad presentation day for COM443. after class, the group went out for a mini meeting just to consolidate stuff and talk about the impending one. HAHA. and there were tons of bitching sessions. what to do? SIGH.
still as shitty. wah lau, looking at my pictures now damn depressing. i have a good mind to stop taking photos ok. =( it's that bad.
did some com441 report for "R" until nehneh finished her class.
hi alien! hi keyboard!
then she arrives!
started doing some work. i was wearing my blazer, but the heat was getting to me and i was feeling slightly dizzy.
so i took it off before i get a heat stroke wtf. cos' i don't like to reveal too much skin huh. show fats is so turn off can.
omg i got boobs on wednesday HAHAHAHAHAH. shits. ok but i always have boobs on presentation days lor. (((:
this expression on neh's face is damn...dots. HAHAAH. unglam to max. ok lah ok lah NEHNEH YOU VERY THIN OK. wah lau last time don't exercise, then now exercise so much.
yes, everyone take note. NEHNEH IS 5KG LIGHTER THAN ME. i'm officially so depressed i can go commit suicide now.
but i live on the 3rd storey and i don't think i can die from jumping down.
life can be so cruel =(((((. -sobs-
i'm just gonna comfort myself with the consolation tha ti have uber heavy and solid bones from my years of milk-drinking HAHAHAH.
ahh, the blazer is back.
speaking of which, ws mentioned that i looked kinda professional in my outfit. and today, ros took the same bus as me. she said the same thing!!!
only that she added the fact that i looked good in formal wear as opposed to everyday wear. wtf. i don't know if it's compliment or insult HAHAHAH.
in any sense, i told her everyone looks better in formal wear, what!
and she replied me that it's not true. hmmmmmm.
was not supposed to meet fatbear for dinner cos' he wanted to go jogging after work. but both of us happened tobe online at around 8plus pm and he said "go out for dinner lah" then ta-da i'm outside wtf.
he came to fetch me and we headed off to redhill for dinner. yums. the food is good. or maybe it's because i'm so hungry!
some drinks stall. fatbear kop-ed my phone to take pictures.
wahhh! whose hands so nice, smooth, slender and long? HAHAHAHAHAHHA.
ermmm.....-tries to act shy-
mine lahhh! =D and yes, i'm a very conscious eater so i tend to pick away all the suggestive looking fats-thingys. HAHAHAH. sorry fatbear! buey tahan just look away lor. i cannot force myself to swallow those things down lor!
had dessert afterwards. longan jelly for me. and he had that dessert mama always cook. that fu pi with ginko nuts soup.
was still early and since fatbear was driving, he drove to mt. faber for a walk to digest our hugeee dinner. wah damn tiring. HAHA don't know when we started competing climbing stairs two (steps) at a time and we reached the top panting. wtf.
and perspiring. =.= damn hotttt.
but the view was nice. (: and fatbear liked that tree in the background. i don't know why.
then we got bored and started to do lame things.
fatbear suddenly wanted to piggyback me. i was really doubtful of his capabilities to do so, since we were so bloated from the meal. HAHA.but he insisted. andddd, it was successful!
in fact, i ordered him to go around the platform (circular) once HAHAHAHA. really diu lian cos' there were a lot of people around lah. wtf. HAHAHAHAH. but heng he didn't drop me or i didn't slide down involuntarily. everything went much muchhh smoother than the ride i was offered that day at sentosa. =DDD
ANDDD we got even more bored afterwards and we decided to take pictures with the (fake) merlion like tourists. HAHAHAH.
i believe fatbear is quite the camwhore too. HAHAHAHA. aye fat fat! must jian fei!!!
even me not as "creative" as him lor. i'm more used to zi pai than taking with inanimate objects. HAHAHA.
but face it, i'm quite the photographer. =DDD
ok enougghhhh. HOME.
school as usual. sat beside shirley and we were bitching for a few minutes about how lousy slowmo's classes were HAHAHA.
ranted a little about my itouch crave. =(((
it took a thousand years for the clock's hands to show the magical 1030 numbers.
anddddd, i was early again. because papa sent me to school woooo! i had to leave the house with them at 7:50pm wtf. -.- my eyes couldn't make it. BUT i saved bus fare too! ((((:
home. wanted to get some sleep. but after being gek-ed by nehneh about me being fat and no exercise, i decided to work my bum. zzz.
went online to send xc some project stuff, surfed a little, then headed downstairs for my condo's gym. was empty. hit the treadmill. first time using those machines. it has since renovated from the last time i saw it years ago. wth. everything looks so good now.
i ran for 75.03 mins.
my average speed was 4.6km/h. (my highest was at 5.7km/h onlyyy =( )
calories burnt: 219??!?!?!?! KNN CCB I RUN UNTIL SO JIALAT BURN SO LITTLE MEH. i'm so sad. is the machine spoilt? haiiii. i'm swearing off food HAHAH.
distance clocked: 5.8km.
oklahhh. not bad for a first attempt on the treadmill. (: it was much better than battling the sweltering heat outside in mid-noon. zzz. didn't want to run the risk of heat stroke yet again.
the sports shoes that are so worn off they're gonna split into pieces. and my shoe was not tied properly. i got some mini blister. ewww. damn pain can. zzz.
tadaaa! i'm really working out hor!!!
i've promised myself that i must hit the gym at least once a week although my schedule is fucking packed and i'm too tired half the time to move my ass. BUT i am paying hundreds of dollars every month for maintenance fee so i should use the bloody facilities more. zzz.
i could get used to it. i mean, i really want to slim down.
i hate my body. HAI. how come nehneh can lose weight how come i cannottttt. TELL ME LEH. knsss. 5kg heavier lehhhhh. and we only like few cm-s difference in height nia. wah lau. -stab stab stab-
in any sense. i finally blogged. sorry if you got bored of my writing. =x
and the weekends are here. more work to be done.
friday: P tuition (i think can collect the pay tml. i THINK) in the noon. she passed her final year maths! YAYYY. HA. though it's not very good, but it's the first time she passed an EXAM. (((: must continue to push her to work harder!
we conquered the tests, the class tests, the common tests, and now exams! now must start to score better! pass is never enough!!! must get her a treat too (:
then it's VE in the evening till 11pm. i hope i don't die. so tiring. BUTTT all for money!!!! yipeeee! i'm such a slave for money. but i think if i earn enough, i can afford an itouch BEFORE i head off to taiwan! =DDDD
so these few months until 31st december, i must work ultra hard. and yes, cannot do badly academically lah. wah lau. i wanna be all-rounder!!! =D (dreams and wishes)
okay. i feel sick these few days. sore throat, dehydration, tired skin, chapped lips, turmulous digestive system and lack of PROPER sleep.
i need some loving.
i need to start loving my body.
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