ps: clear pics are when i bother to take off the plastic gmask before shooting. blur shots are just lazy.
today took a few more with yan before the com300 project meeting. finally we are moving somewhere.
sigh. getting bruises everywhere. careless knocking of furniture and bumps on the door.
super accident prone.
malnutritioned cos' no food. sian.
really jian fei. wtf.
work again tml. gotta return the rented vids. wheee.
-eating air is relatively good. very ahbeng-ish with themes of friendship, family and loyalty. love, teenage angst. the ending was...disheartening though. i hate such endings. sigh.
-the nun is crap. other than suddne sound effects and real-fake graphics of broken limps, torn heads, blood's not very scary. and the storyline tries to invoke that sense of originality, but failed to get the message across. little impact.
-12 storeys: yet to watch.
doodle on facebook is lame. wtf kopisoh.
scandalous chats with wrong people.
loads of work to get done. meeting yan on sunday to do our com300 too. sigh. when will i have time to fucking study study. cannot chui anymore. i'm not chui!
i don't care. i'm redeeming. and XX is helping me. i will do it. and i have already done it.
i believe i have it already.
idunnowadshisname guy has gf already.
why do some people just perpetually piss me/annoy me everytime they open their mouths. so full of themselves.
don't they ever realize it?
my eyes are big again. and my skin is better. yaysss.
i think cucumber mask really works. wheee. yay my tofu fair white skinnn.
and i realised my nose bridge is quite ok lah. HAHAHA though my nose is still damn button.
see! yan's boobs. she's trying to seduce me mans.
yawns. didn't buy anything today though i was tempted a million and one times by countless items. =( resist temptations. the root of all evil. HAHAHA.
ok quite alot of things happened today. cannot be bothered to recall though.
random Q:
which would you choose?
a) fart alot everyday. ie. 5 times or more per day.
b) fart very little ie. (1 time every 5 days.) BUT everytime you fart, the air around you turns bright pink.
dozing off soon. gdnite and happy working for me at videoezy! LOVEEEE.
i wonder if he'll make another move.
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