mgm301 midterms was...i don't know really. a bunch of crap and prayers for a decent grade. i cannot afford to do badly mans. like seriously.
on jeremy's car. he kindly offered to send us to vivocity. on the car was sandra and yan. his car smells really good.
yes, the blue illuminated light is actually specially installed. it's bloody freaking cool and it looks AWESOME. i mean it' far from BENGNESS but it creates that im-in-star-heaven-cos'-my-feet-is-glowering-feel.
its situated at the part of the floor just by the door. both sides have. and front seats have it too...but theirs are located under the seat to illuminate that gentle blue. wheee. nice on a rainy day like that.
basically my only proper meal of the day, in an attempt to JIANFEI wtf. yes milkshake and chilli beef fries aint that jian-fei material. but who cares. the milkshake was AWESOME. orgasmic.
carbohydrates. i might die from overeating frenchfries. zzz. might as well name myself missfries. wth.
walked vivo with yan to destress from sitting at the table for continuous 3 days. needed that stretch of the legs. flabby like fuck.
bus ride home was cold. the bus was freezing as it rumbled back home. wrapped myself up like a freaking eskimo to avoid freezing. managed to close my eyes and get some eyerest, NOT sleep, for a few minutes.
eyecandy (yes daddy issues i think) alighted along the line of houses. 0.0 DAMMIT. and i accidentally stepped on his nicely polished shoes cos' the guy next to me was alighting and i was sitting outside and eyecandy was sitting at the backrow behind me. omg.
yes long sentence. go figure. aiyaaa.
it's gonna be school then work tml. and my parents should be flying off in a few hours time. sobs.
i want my stints at videoezy to be enjoyable. must faster master everything i need to know. yay. might just rent a movie to watch at home since i'm RELATIVELY free. zzz. shit. i really have a few titles i wanna catch. yalah movie buff cannot ah.
i kinda would miss them, and i wouldn't. i mean...i have to do the chores myself! blah.
and there would be no nagging. zzz.
still, i'll be working half the time they aren't at home, so i don't think it would make a difference--their absence.
was feeling rather....emo a few moments ago. thinking too much i think. random thoughts spilling here and there. the dam isn't holding up well i guess. sighs.
either way, i must come to terms with it myself, so that i can move on. and live a better life.
for the like attracts the like. and such debilitative emotions aren't exactly on my to-attract-list. wth.
oh. good friday's eve and good friday i'll be working too. so just in case anyone wants to date me, im booked. =(
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