The point was:
Got people from India reading my blog now. wtf? I don't recall any of my friends studying in India lehhh. Shucks. But oh well, NO MZ I'M NOT DISCRIMINATING RACES. wtf.
Sorry if there is apparent lack of updates. Been chionging work and COM300 stuff. Brain dead right now, figured I had to relax abit and blog a little before continuing. My laptop is gonna be my wife for the next 2 weeks or so. SOBS. ACER BABY BE HEALTHY FOR ME OK!!!!
Had work on Saturday. After 2 sessions of tuition, I managed to end pretty much on time so dropped by home by taking bus 30. Managed to finish up my book meanwhile. Grabbed stuff to eat and rest a while because my brain really felt zonked. Camera was lying know me lah right...
-sheepish grin-
TMDKNN can see my eyes uneven not?? Always happens when I'm fucking tired. Anyway after taking these pictures parents came home and the house was in a bustle of acitivity. I managed to catch 30 minutes of shut eye on the couch by the dining table before waking up with a start to realize I was ALMOST late. Chiong-ed out. wtf. Panting by the time i reached bus stop.
teojielin you need to exercise more mans. =(
eek, me in my stupid XS polo tee wtf. TMD SMALL OK. grrrr.
aiyeee. Nice lah this picture. HAHAHA. LOOK SO THIN OF COS' NICE COME ON!!! =D Camera angles my dears!
ohhh! Remember a few posts back I mentioned that one of my tutees P's mother gave me $20 for making me wait and delay the tuition timing because she was outside and the spare key couldn't be found??
I refused to take the $20 bucks, right?
Ok, so this Sat's lesson she insisted on giving me tidbits to replace that $20. WTH. So at the end of the lesson she was pushing this plastic bag into my unwilling hands. fineeee. So I just took it, said my thanks and left. I had another session in minutes.
So when I finally had the time to examine the contents...I found these:
HEI BI HIAM and some seaweed wrapped with pork floss and rice crumbs thingy. WTH. From XXX brand as you can see yourself. Nevermind....
Eh....what's this thing in the plastic bag?? GOT PAPER LEH. Scully it's like a thank you note from her. touching. -sniff-
zzzz. Are China people like that? grrr. I don't know to feel insulted or what. I even know she bought it from Jurong Point. wth. The power of receipts indeed.
Sunday was school in morning to 6pm with yan working on COM300 report.
BLOODY hot lah. cos' I brought fried rice my mama made for lunch for our lunch. zzz. Still damn hot lor...and it didn't help that it was BLAZING outside.
I felt like I was carrying a sauna next to my body in my bag and surrounded by a sauna nonetheless. Even the air-con on the bus didn't seem to be working. =((( Was perspiring like a pig when I finally reached the 4th level. wth.
Died somewhere in the middle. Everything was confusing and clashing and we had a hard time figuring out stuff. As I'm writing this, I only managed to finish up methodology which I had to alter from head to toe wtf.
Gonna conquer the results and discussion portion soon. SOBS. WHY IS MY LIFE LIKE THAT???
Anyway, parents came to SIM to fetch me at the bus stop. Met PF outside SIM and 3 of us walked to bus stop together. PF waited for parents with me and talked alot of cok wth. HAHAHA. So nice of her though. =D
Dinner at Sakae Sushi in Wheelock. Managed to shit around 4plus so that I can accomodate my craving for Jap food!!! YAYNESS. Never felt so constipated in that 30minutes sitting on the toilet bowl. zzzz.
Pa's car behind. Plucking coupons. Me needed some picture-taking.
AI LOVE JAP FOOD LAH. Though Sakae argubly aint one of the best in town, but I'm just happy to have a couple of the usual dishes I devour and crave.
See my happiness despite the fatigue? Food does wonders. Sushi belt! Damn awkward angle though wth. Explain later...
Udon Chawamushi. Yums. the smoothness of egg sliding down your throat. piping hotness. (:
FYI, this is a tatami mat. A fake one, that is. HAHAHA. We were offered the Tatami section of the restaurant, which required us to climb onto the mats and sit at the table with our feet dangling in the space below. Very uncomfortable. The mats kept shifting around and the table was at a wrong angle to the belt which caused me to almost twist my wrist and arm a few times while taking the plates off the belt. Heng others were ordered from the menu.
Ya, the only good thing was the 3 of us were seated at a table meant for 8 people. HAHAHA. shuang not?
OMG LOVESS MOCHIIIII!!! MY LOVE LOVE. Although i only ate a pathetic ONE piece (other went to papa), I still felt happy. I think I wanna buy the BOX kind lehhh. Yums.
Ok, random picture from the other day. Eh, I was browsing NicoleKiss's blog and I found this picture! If I am not wrong, it actually is a place in Japan called Kuboi.
Doesn't it look like Utopia? Love this humid Singapore weather. I wanna go here.
Oh, to update you guys, I'm saving for end of year trip to TAIWAN. So don't tempt me to spend money uncessary ok! Rationing is necessary. Figured out I'll die if I don't travel once each year; so I'll risk spending less throughout the year. =(
I suddenly remembered that I ate expired marshmellows a few days ago. I am still alive!!!!
And thanks to marshy for the SMS early morning today. So sweet can!!! =DDD It's lovely to feel missed and loved!!! wheeeee. loveloveloveeee.
SIGH. Back to work. Sorry if the entry is boring. Really lacking adrenalin now.
Till next time.............I promise I'll write more interesting stuff....and post more JING BAO pictures. HEHEHEHE.
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