sobs. my big fat face. EH NO. MY PIXIE SHAPE FACE (self psychoing lah) HAHAH.
yan is always moving lol.
next day on the bus. rainy dayyyy. trusty hoodie!
ya lah her star ring. =(
eeks. curls abducted my phone and took this picture.
"eh your teeth slanted one lor, not nice"
"like that then got personality"
yan wanted to munch. macs. zzzz. resisted fries. HAHAH. had my awesome chocolate sundae. yums. not gonna eat fries for now. DIET JIELIN!!! NO MORE PROCRASTINATION! START SLIMMING DOWN NOW!!!!
but the sundae was seducing me with hot fudge wtf. ok lah. i'll start tomorrow. I MEAN IT!!! i really don't wanna be big fat cellulite pig.
yan is shy. HAHAHAH. ya lah, i don't know why after hanging out so much with people like me and mz she still haven't infiltrate that UNSHY mode. HAHAHHA. wtf.
no yan, it's not shameless to SAY that about fishie. hehe. =DDDD
this is how i look after 3 hours of sleep only. zzz. bad bad. nina was shocked that we don't sleep that much. and she saw me swallowing pills; thought i was unwell. HAHAHA.
she's bored. HAHAH. eh marina square's macs by the way. look at my rubber bands! sobs.
knn i have no more jawline. my sister just commented too. i'm damn sad ok. WHERE DID MY BEAUUUTIFUL JAWLINE DISAPPEAR TO?
damn braces.
i had a more shocking discovery. you know i have this pimple just below my jaw on the right. before i had braces dental appointment anyway. AFTER i tightened the wires and rubberband-ed, THE FREAKING PIMPLE appeared to have shifted upwards. WTF???
it is now like on the lower portion of my cheek. zzz. braces totally shifted my jawline. this is terrible. =((((
home finally after jam at my house's junction. stuck at bus stop for 15 minutes. thank god for my gigantic statue. i was able to tower over most infront of me at the bus stop, allowing FRESH AIR to infiltrate my nostrils instead of some smelly sweaty disgusting fella.
but i was damn dulan. got this woman was munching on her waffles (no her waffles didn't offend me) and she was holding onto this wet umbrella which is portable kind. she kept bua-ing that umbrella on my bag. i felt damn dulan so i shifted. then it started to bua my arm.
BOTH MY BAG AND ARM GOT WET. tell me how not to dulan. and she is VERY AWARE that it is BUA-ING my body and possessions, BUT NEVER APOLOGISED.
sibei qian da.
aiii. see lah. boredom during mgm301. HAHAHA. love note from da dong to his dearest, teojielin. wheee. don't be jealous please.
editing done using my viewty baby. yan sent me this picture! LOVE IT. so natural and cheeky. HAHAHHA.
then mz wanted her own personalized msg too. HAHAH so i did these 2 for her. hahha wtf lah i know people who are reading this prolly think i'm brainless. i'm not ok!!! grr.
com125 mid terms today. bad. all i can do now is pray for the best. really.
studied till 5am, slept, woke at 8am. cmi lah. LOL. nothing went into my puny brain. LOL interesting early morning conversation online with tummy and curls. LOL. wtf. curls and i KO at the same time. tummy continued studying....ZAI. salute you.
pia last minute in school again. seriously. ll, were u watching over me?
i know many cheated. -shrugs-
he said must write half a page for each part of the question, i only had around 3 sentences. omfg. please abel choy dear, give me good marks. HAHAH cos' your lessons are fun, but writing all those logic out is sense. and i don't like to memorize. =(((
ok lah, i tried my best, so.....ya, believe i will do well lor! HAHAHA.
to update, i've taken up pf's tutee too! WTF HER TUTEE LIVES on the 12th storey of the SAME BLOCK as wy's tutee!!! that's damn bloody coincidental.
when i asked for convenience and minimal travelling costs, i didn't expect it to come this way. LOL. cheers. believing and asking really does work. =)))
now, i should be getting my tuition pay tml. meaning i can stave off the insurance letter than tells me my account has insufficient funds wtf.
then i'll start worrying about saving up. because my motto is at least go on holiday ONCE A YEAR, or not i'll be a damn pissy bitch.
so far so good for the past years. keep it up jielin!
ok tuition for 2 kids tml. one after another. just 7 storeys apart hehe.
signing off. long entry sorry guys! =)
and hello wanyi! hehe. take care ok! tag board is onthe LAST RED LINK. not complicated lahhh. -grins- please post pictures of your ang moh bfs soon. HAHAH.
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