work yesterday at tuition was ok. time flew by as usual. but the mother was testing my patience at the end of the lesson. i think it's fine if she wants to know about her daughter's progress.
BUT the conversation was far from being one. =.= <---i have eyebags and eyerings.
now, i'm not going to start my rant on china people and their ridiculous comments about how good/smart/rich/capable they are; oblivious to the annoyed and cramped smiles surrounding them.
GRRRRRRR. skip forward.
videoezy was relatively good.
NO VARIANCEEEE WHEEEE. hahahah. please lor, if have i'll be damn stressed, especially since i have to do the closings. =(((
learnt alot new stuff, mananged to sort through the processes finally. not so blur already. momentarily had a bout of panic when H went out for his break then this customer came in with some voucher which i was stumped to process. used a little common sense and.....TADAAA! I GOT IT RIGHT OKKK. loves.
zzz so much more to learn. like birthday months, birthdays, 1 for 1 rental, 1 rental of any sort and stamps and membership cards. -_- died. lol. at least i more or less understand the stupid package thing. COME COME HONEY DARLINGS SIGN PACKAGE FOR MEEEEEE.
wheee. H is nice. he thought me alot of things, assured me that i'll learn the ropes soon, and he kept saying i'm a "smart girl!" HAHAHAHA. who not happy sia. somemore keep asking me not to panic and to relax. wheee. of cos' can mans. with him around, it's just -prod prod- then i got help. =DDD it's wonderful he doesn't get irritated with my constant Qs. pheww.
"i wanna rent movies lehh..."
"ya, just rent. free one anyway."
"hmmm..." -browsing through racks-
-momentary silence-
"or you could rent me too."
-turns to look at him-
-weird silence-
-continues looking at each other-
"HAHAHA NO LAHHHH...." -awkwardly run to grab some vids to slot back into shelves-
WTFWTFWTF. ok my response had no link whatsoever. NO LAH WHAT??? lol. ok, ignore.
soon, it's gonna be alone. boos. one more month. considering i get training once a week, it's quite good liao okkk. no company to talk to me. sian.
ate raspberry icecream on the way home. yums. the creamy feeling sliding down my throat on the after-rainy night was soooo superb. the chilly breeze across my face, occasional winds whipping my stray strands of hair across my face into my sticky lips and icecream. HAHAH. mans, i love nights.
faced a couple of customers who were nice enough to pardon my blur-ness and mistakes nonetheless. sigh. damn. but i realised it's through mistakes that you learn. LOL. serious! boohoo.
and hanging around shelves and shelves of movies is so intoxicating it makes me want to rent every freaking single title. but, i know i won't have the time to watch now. =( working there really makes you a movie buff, if you already aren't one.
1) Juno
2) L--change the world
3) Leap years
4) Awake
5) There will be blood
6) Eating air(local production, i saw it on rental!!! -screams-)
7) The Bucket List
studying and homework untouched. sigh. uber sigh. make me a hardworking student please.
re-reading some chapters of the book again. realised i've veered off track. time to reconsider my priorities.
included some horoscope stuff which i read through(it's one entire chunk but im gonna run them here little by little) and it's bloody accurate. it's scary to actually let people know all that's running through my brain.
oh wells. it's been raining on and off today so far. everytime my father goes out, it starts raining. he's the RAIN GOD. HAHAHAH. eh btw, rain=money, in case people think i'm mad.
yay papa please earn big big money so that you will give me, a pretty and smart and capable daughter, more money. MUAHAHAH.
ehhh. but you don't give me money anyway, asides from fees. so yea, just give me token money lah huh. =D
//the mind is the ultimate power.
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