so long since we had lectures together. and we sat at the same spots AGAIN like last sem. omg.
couldn't resist a little camwhoring i guess. =D
why is my face so big and fat and FLAT. sian.
i can never take profile pictures because my side profile sucks like i don't know how to describe. zzzz. god gave me a pudgy nose, small eyes and thin lips with no cheeks whatsoever, huge FLAT forehead with no beautiful curve and.......big face. aiya i don't know.
according to mz, she was trying to use her pen to point at jos's head. HAHAH wtf. her hands are supersonic.
omgomg. FLIPPER IS SO DAMN HILARIOUS. trust jos to think of such a name HAHAHAH.
see! taking pictures together is so fun lahhh. wheeee. and this was during lecture wtf. i think abelchoy rocks can. i mean we were sitting right smack in the MIDDLE of the lecture, hence facing him and making HAVOC with snapping cameras and chattering away, BUT he did NOT scold us.
instead, he scolded the group on the left of the lecture hall who were making so much lesser noise. wth? HAHAHAH. i love abelchoy. =)
i promised not to take unglam pics of abs in case it gets ILLEGALLYDOWNLOADED hahaha. but this one is jos take one. i'm sorry abbychan.
ok i probably should start doing armstrong's assignment. TEOJIELIN buck up lahs for god sakes. your As are damn unstable. =((((
i progressed last night by creating a word document and saved as com242 full sentence outline with not a single shit typed in. omfg. -stabs-
byebye my loves. i need i need some serious catching up this week!
and yea, serious exercise before my fats all just slump to the ground and wobble and create a gigantic earthquake in singapore.
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