yes, the belt that tummy claims it's UB-patriot. zzzz. unintentional, and it's not even mine! koped form my sis. handy to clinch in my oversized shirts.
demure and cross leg okkkk. HAHAHA.
finally met up with nehneh after early morning com300 meeting and the short trip to megabites. tried to read my mgm301 notes during lecture. siannn. HELP MEEEE. SALVAGE MEEE.
the wind there was good. not inherently windy such that my fake wig almost flew off, but strong enough to induce that i-feel-like-i-am-in-mtv-feeling. HAHAHA.
not that i looked anything mv-ish. was just bored. and i realised my skin is really overworked.tired.
nehneh kindly offered a cabride to vivo. where we caught our movie at 6:55pm. no country for old men.
critic? i'd say it's a relatively good movie. good plot, storyline, strong cast, good acting, intriguing scenes, excellent directing, fabulous editing. but......lousy ending. i was so caught off-guard i totally HUH??? the scenes were way too realistic, and sometimes rather puke-inducing from all the self-operation-on-wounds thing.
and the stupid movie halfway decided to make us feel like we were short-sighted. stupid vivo theatre. think the film spoilt halfway or some operating error. could tell from the irritated and annoyed murmurs in the cinema from the blurred images which carried on TILL THE END OF THE MOVIE. pekcek.
didn't help that nehneh and i were feeling short-sighted enough; having only scored 2ND ROW SEATS @)#$$#%#@%#. hahaha. wtf.
this is how front row seats look like. twisted neck. had to slant sideways (lucky i got the aisle seat) physically to make myself more comfortable. screen so big.
okkk. saturday. work day. hope i'll have a smashing good time earning big bucks.
tuition will go smoothly. videoezy will too. and i will learn so fast i shock people. and i will REMEMBERRRR. grrrr.
cutie? i'll leave that to destiny. muahahah.
ps: felicia chin is so hot. cannot take it. if only i could be as pretty as her. yes, i'm dreaming. it doesn't hurt, does it?
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