i dreamt i was chased by the entire city's police force wtf. I'M NOT MAS SELAMAT THANK YOU. oh, and i could drive lehhhh. HAHAHA i was a freaking road hazard and i recall there was something wrong with my brakes wth. i'm so anal about detail, aren't i? -grins-
anyway there were people on-the-run like me. i remember they were all friends and WTF GOT OCIP GUYS???!! HAHAHAHAHAHA pengness omfg.
then there was this game whereby we had to gather around the huge table. it was a quiz on this stupid acrylic product toy (??? don't ask me why). the first Q they asked was "how to spell acrylic".
tmdknnccb. in my dream i didn't know how to spell lor. HAHAHAHAH. but somehow in the dream it was spelt "acryllic" with double l. ehhh, i spelt correctly right? -wrinkles eyebrows-
so anyway sitting beside me were couples of people EXCEPT ME. then each pair had like this sample toy acrylic in front of them where the spelling of the word was super obvious. ALL OF THEM HAD IT EXCEPT ME OK.
then since i didn't know how to spell, i sneaked a peek at the pair's answers next to mine. HAHAHAHA WTF. then this girl came over tell me i cannot peek at others' answers. 0.0 then she went away and this huge boss of the toy company came over to me. so i kb-ed and told him i don't have the sample of the toy lor, that's why didn't know how to spell. HAHAHAH wth mans. then he gave me a set of the toy.
zzzzzz. yes my brain is that warped.
i woke myself up after that. it was wayyyy too tiring to dream up such weirdass plots. HAHAH.
anyway the 2 pictures you saw at the start of my entry was my breakfast/lunch since i woke up at 12:30pm. woohoo. UNAGI rolls! yumsss. meatballs and eggs, jap cucumbers and lettuce.
i seriously don't see how people can be anorexic or simply don't eat. this world is filled with such good food!!!!
from the previous entry i mentioned that i starved the entire day right? but i called my mama at the end of work--11pm--to tell her i'm hungry while on the way home. she made egg salad for me. with meatballs and lettuce. yums. then since she cooked sweet desert with the ginko nuts and white stuff thingy (don't know how you call that in english) which was MY FAVOURITE, i gobbled up two tupplewares of it!!!!
ahhhh, love. -BEAMS-
after my gobbling, i was too tired to do anything else so i checked my emails and planned stuff for sunday then went to bed. yawns.
saturday happeningsssss.........
- the china mother went to the bank in the morning and took keys with her. i was locked out. daughter was locked in. zzzz.
- mother claims daughter has a spare keys at home but daughter couldn't find it.
- since mother would be home 1 hour from the actual tuition time, i decided to shift P's tuition forward and B's tuition backward.
- rotted one hour at the stairwell (wtf i'm a hooligan =( ) marking assessments i gave B.
-P forgot everything i taught her. peng. so tiring lor. sobs.
why always like that?
- B's tuition. the mother apologised profusely. the spare keys were in another bag of the daughter. zzzz. innocently locked out.
- mother offered me $20 bucks for "making me travel and wasting my time...for food and transport..." WTH WTH. that's like about 45 minutes of teaching leh! HAHAHA.
- ok i refused.
- refused violently. eh, i didn't even teach and rotting at the stairwell wasn't deserving of 20 FREAKING BUCKS!
- mother was worried amount not enough, offered to give more. WTH WTH. ARE ALL CHINA PEOPLE SO RICH? zzzz. mz, you must be rich lor. =( HAHAHAH.
- rejected. she left the 20 bucks on the table while i tutored. didn't take it as i left too.
-tell me, i'm stupid right? how come got so stupid morally upright people like me?
-knn i think i will get cheated one day lor. sighhh. i could have been 20 bucks richer. why am i like that?
VIDE: (not gonna type out full since people like my boss might google it and find out i'm talking bad wth)
- the entire day, kungfu basketball, played by popking jaychou nonetheless was on replay.
- heard the theme song for 5 freaking hours. zzz. that kungfun kungfu repetitive part sounded like toufu toufu at some point of my half-starved mode. i hallucinate.
- wet wet day. work was tolerable and mundane. involved alot switching of stickers on dvds and stuff. zzz.
-lady boss treats me like air. wth. just because i'm a newbie and i don't work like every freaking day for you doesn't mean i'm not worthy of your attention and kindness. i hate it when i'm treated like carbon dioxide.
rude shits who think they are bloody rich.
anyway we had to stick the genre of the films on dvd from a-z. so yea....
"you know the film FRACTURED? i had 3 different genres for it at jurong west! they anyhow paste lah!"
"what's those 3?"
"XX pasted ACTION."
"huh why??"
"he said got gun means action film"
"YY said it's HORROR."
"cos' the husband kill the wife."
"ZZ said it was DRAMA."
"cos' got love story inside."
had a phone call at night to talk someone to sleep. i should be honoured someone actually thought of me right? hehe.
anyway, since my policy is never to call males for long calls, i made him call me using his house phone. what?? i'm very poor now ok. and my parents pay for my limited phonebill every month so i must be more responsible. YA LAH, i still call male friends what. -_-
hehe. whispers. cute. awww.
stopping Svirus soon. cannot hold on for longer.
ahhh, E's best friend in school is actually BC!?!?!?! wthhhh.
it was a damn long omph ago lah. HAHAHA. E tried to matchmake us while he was selling the marketing text to me. apparently he said some really ridiculous stuff lah.
and my marketing book belongs to BC! gasp! to think i've chucked it somewhere dusty. =(
skeptical though. long story.
aiyeee. long entry.
just read about m'sia vendors putting plastic in cooking oil while making goreng pisang. claims it makes the pisang more crispy. WTH??!!!
(yes i'm damn lag cos' of work i haven't been reading papers as often)
lucky i don't like goreng pisang.
cold war at home gone. loves. it's sunday and everyone is at home and it's got the family warmth.
byebye. enjoy your sunday.
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