please tell her she is skinny. she is skinnier than me lor! zzzz.
omg lahs. nua-ed at ab's house playing Wii to see how the games are. truth to be told, it's my first time playing the games at leisure. quite fun lahs. but i think only the Wii Sports and StarWars nice. HAHAHAH the latter was damn lame lah.
wtf, the avatars were all LEGO-MADE, meaning when i chop them up with my light saber, their head and body becomes the separated lego parts.
-_- wth mans. but damn fun cos' it's relatively idiot proof. Boxing was tiring, cos' i had to keep waving and pressing the controller. which was ultimately unglam. zzz. perspired after the 3 rounds, wth. teojielin you need to exercise more. HAHAHA.
bus-ed home afterwards then train-ed and bus-ed again. so damn tired. headache was developing, so i decided to take 189 from bukit batok instead so i can catch at least 15 mins of sleep on the bus. sleep was never so uncomfortable (even the relc rides were much better) prolly because i was freezing my ass off and my back was aching, god knows why.
drifted in and out of a fitful nap. reached home. ma left some salad for me plus this yong tau fu soup. the salad was damn yums. cherry tomatoes rock i swear. the juice spurted the moment i bit into them. sweet. =)
and look! my mum bought uber cute star fishcake. LIKE STAR AND IT'S BLOODY SMILING AT ME. loves. =))))
yes i feel the love. we discussed about the scholarship thing again and i guess i did the right thing. sigh. i know my mum feels bad. and i feel bad too. but i guess we gotta work it out--here. in singapore, a place where money is everything, life is..........i don't know.
tired of worrying way beyond my years. i need to focus on the present and think positive. because i am entitled for so much more greater things. i know it. i feel it.
even the stars are shining on me. =)
it's not a sin to be optimistic.
"we all have our own private hells." -ken langone
have you ever wondered how your hell looks like? i'm curious. to burn and scorch. to scream and tentalize. to blaze and be awaken.
for this is where all truths are uncovered. no lies. no dreams. no hope. pain would be intense and deserving.
on a side note, spitzer is really a figure of irony in his own right. LOL. he has dug himself a hole of deep shit. stating and "fighting" for certain laws and persecution, then falling into the trap himself. hypocrisy? or was it a case of temptations and lost paths? does politics corrode your morals and beliefs? would you go to extremities, only to realize that you cannot return?
what will unleash your inner monster? would you ever realize your mistakes? it is possible to live in blindness and sheer stubborness...
i should start on com242's paper. sigh. procrastination kills.
and i really wanna shop. =(
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