Monday, March 31, 2008
inhaling fumes.
zomg. I swear I'm inhaling all the toxic fumes.
As if my lousy and chui-ing brain is not enough.
I doubt I can last long.
Even if you ask me for my name now, I may not even be able to answer you directly.
Salvage me, ll. Where are you? I've never lost faith.
So bring me some light.
Bring me salvation.
Make life good.
Make it smashing good.
Back to COM300. I really hope I will hold out till holidays come in 3 weeks time........
I have pictures in my phone, but I'll leave that for next entry. Hehe. SUSPENCEEEE.
ok whatever lahs.
geared up for hellweek.
The point was:
Got people from India reading my blog now. wtf? I don't recall any of my friends studying in India lehhh. Shucks. But oh well, NO MZ I'M NOT DISCRIMINATING RACES. wtf.
Sorry if there is apparent lack of updates. Been chionging work and COM300 stuff. Brain dead right now, figured I had to relax abit and blog a little before continuing. My laptop is gonna be my wife for the next 2 weeks or so. SOBS. ACER BABY BE HEALTHY FOR ME OK!!!!
Had work on Saturday. After 2 sessions of tuition, I managed to end pretty much on time so dropped by home by taking bus 30. Managed to finish up my book meanwhile. Grabbed stuff to eat and rest a while because my brain really felt zonked. Camera was lying know me lah right...
-sheepish grin-
TMDKNN can see my eyes uneven not?? Always happens when I'm fucking tired. Anyway after taking these pictures parents came home and the house was in a bustle of acitivity. I managed to catch 30 minutes of shut eye on the couch by the dining table before waking up with a start to realize I was ALMOST late. Chiong-ed out. wtf. Panting by the time i reached bus stop.
teojielin you need to exercise more mans. =(
eek, me in my stupid XS polo tee wtf. TMD SMALL OK. grrrr.
aiyeee. Nice lah this picture. HAHAHA. LOOK SO THIN OF COS' NICE COME ON!!! =D Camera angles my dears!
ohhh! Remember a few posts back I mentioned that one of my tutees P's mother gave me $20 for making me wait and delay the tuition timing because she was outside and the spare key couldn't be found??
I refused to take the $20 bucks, right?
Ok, so this Sat's lesson she insisted on giving me tidbits to replace that $20. WTH. So at the end of the lesson she was pushing this plastic bag into my unwilling hands. fineeee. So I just took it, said my thanks and left. I had another session in minutes.
So when I finally had the time to examine the contents...I found these:
HEI BI HIAM and some seaweed wrapped with pork floss and rice crumbs thingy. WTH. From XXX brand as you can see yourself. Nevermind....
Eh....what's this thing in the plastic bag?? GOT PAPER LEH. Scully it's like a thank you note from her. touching. -sniff-
zzzz. Are China people like that? grrr. I don't know to feel insulted or what. I even know she bought it from Jurong Point. wth. The power of receipts indeed.
Sunday was school in morning to 6pm with yan working on COM300 report.
BLOODY hot lah. cos' I brought fried rice my mama made for lunch for our lunch. zzz. Still damn hot lor...and it didn't help that it was BLAZING outside.
I felt like I was carrying a sauna next to my body in my bag and surrounded by a sauna nonetheless. Even the air-con on the bus didn't seem to be working. =((( Was perspiring like a pig when I finally reached the 4th level. wth.
Died somewhere in the middle. Everything was confusing and clashing and we had a hard time figuring out stuff. As I'm writing this, I only managed to finish up methodology which I had to alter from head to toe wtf.
Gonna conquer the results and discussion portion soon. SOBS. WHY IS MY LIFE LIKE THAT???
Anyway, parents came to SIM to fetch me at the bus stop. Met PF outside SIM and 3 of us walked to bus stop together. PF waited for parents with me and talked alot of cok wth. HAHAHA. So nice of her though. =D
Dinner at Sakae Sushi in Wheelock. Managed to shit around 4plus so that I can accomodate my craving for Jap food!!! YAYNESS. Never felt so constipated in that 30minutes sitting on the toilet bowl. zzzz.
Pa's car behind. Plucking coupons. Me needed some picture-taking.
AI LOVE JAP FOOD LAH. Though Sakae argubly aint one of the best in town, but I'm just happy to have a couple of the usual dishes I devour and crave.
See my happiness despite the fatigue? Food does wonders. Sushi belt! Damn awkward angle though wth. Explain later...
Udon Chawamushi. Yums. the smoothness of egg sliding down your throat. piping hotness. (:
FYI, this is a tatami mat. A fake one, that is. HAHAHA. We were offered the Tatami section of the restaurant, which required us to climb onto the mats and sit at the table with our feet dangling in the space below. Very uncomfortable. The mats kept shifting around and the table was at a wrong angle to the belt which caused me to almost twist my wrist and arm a few times while taking the plates off the belt. Heng others were ordered from the menu.
Ya, the only good thing was the 3 of us were seated at a table meant for 8 people. HAHAHA. shuang not?
OMG LOVESS MOCHIIIII!!! MY LOVE LOVE. Although i only ate a pathetic ONE piece (other went to papa), I still felt happy. I think I wanna buy the BOX kind lehhh. Yums.
Ok, random picture from the other day. Eh, I was browsing NicoleKiss's blog and I found this picture! If I am not wrong, it actually is a place in Japan called Kuboi.
Doesn't it look like Utopia? Love this humid Singapore weather. I wanna go here.
Oh, to update you guys, I'm saving for end of year trip to TAIWAN. So don't tempt me to spend money uncessary ok! Rationing is necessary. Figured out I'll die if I don't travel once each year; so I'll risk spending less throughout the year. =(
I suddenly remembered that I ate expired marshmellows a few days ago. I am still alive!!!!
And thanks to marshy for the SMS early morning today. So sweet can!!! =DDD It's lovely to feel missed and loved!!! wheeeee. loveloveloveeee.
SIGH. Back to work. Sorry if the entry is boring. Really lacking adrenalin now.
Till next time.............I promise I'll write more interesting stuff....and post more JING BAO pictures. HEHEHEHE.
Friday, March 28, 2008
i'm back from a short hiatus!
So anyway, the fact that I'm blogging now simply shows that I'm spared of work for the time being until I return back to it. Sobs. =(
Saturday: tuition, tuition, videzy
Sunday: com300 report
To compensate, there are mannnyyy pictures in this entry--like it or not, 90% consists of me and my ugly face. HAHAHA. wtf. Yes lah, I'm zilian. Can you find something else to say about me??
I wanted to wear this stripey cardigan on top of my stripey top. But after inspecting myself in the mirror, somehow, I felt that I looked wayyy too stripey. -grimace- I don't know lah!!
omfg lah, why am i becoming uglier and uglier, fatter and fatter? =((( I'm starting to think that maybe I have a thyroid problem wtf.
Yet again, -gasp-, bob's screen wouldn't work. I think he's cursed in the room. HAHAHA. Sian, missed out on video. Let's hope he'll screen it next monday! He got PMSy at the start of the lecture lor. Don't know why he's like that. zzz.
Met neo on Wednesday after school. Discussed my future timetable and plans for graduation. Figured out that I need not take quite a few modules should I plan to drop my Marketing Minor degree. Yeaaa, I've decided to drop it. It's not gonna be of any use to me in my future job scope.
Besides, I can save money! My parents are like going poor from paying for my fees. Sigh. So....9 more modules left till graduation! Meaning, next semester I should be doing only 3 modules? SIGH. HATES. Reminds me of UGC112 which I would have to take ALL ALONE.
There better be a reason for this.
First line when neo saw me in 5.36:
"Have we met before?"
LOLOL. I have no idea what to think, but yea, I doubt I've met him before. Unless he came in his Pjs to videzy and rented vids while I was dazed from the scanning and didn't notice him. He's pretty nice lah. These few days kept e-mailing him to clarify further stuff regarding my credit hours.
After that, was meeting MONICA LONG XUELING (MLXL) for StepUp2 and chillzzzz. HAHAHA. I MISSED HER SO MUCH!
The movie was at 6:40pm, and we only met around 6:20pm. After we finally decided on ThaiExpress for dinner, it was already 6:30pm. And the pineapple rice arrived at 6:35pm. zzzz. We gobbled our piping hot rice with awesome cut chillies till 6:55pm. THEN WE RAN. HAHAHAHAH seriously two of time concept.
Inevitably missed the front portion of the movie. But not alot. Thank god for cinema adverts.
After the movie and she kept wanting to yo!yo!yo!checkitoutyo! (trying to act hiphop wtf) whilst we walked around looking for polotees so she can wear to her office on Fridays and show off to her other colleague because every Friday they always compete who wears the nicest polotee wtf. Yes lah, long sentence. HAHAHA.
Oh, the movie was good. If you're seeking storylines and thick plot, I'll suggest you skip it though. It's preferably for people looking out for awesome dance moves, cheorography and fantastic blend of catchy tunes with sleekness.
Again, like after watching Stomp The Yard, I want to learn dancing!!! wtf. yalah I don't have talent. =(((
Walked around after the movie. WTF and then we were feeling bored so we checked out prices of random items. Then I don't know what the hell happened but we started competing who could guess prices most accurately. HAHAHA yalah we are super no brainers.
knn, after the entire thing monz kept saying she won hands-down. aiyaaa, let her win. hmpff.
And she kept saying this pair of men's boxers with billard balls on it is "damn sexy" WTF. Her taste is so warped.
omg why are we so unglam. Taken while waiting for edwin's arrival. Then...because there was this small portion of the open space in Vivo selling bedsheets, bedcovers and pillows and all that stuff near us, we got this stupid idea to act like we are lying on the beds. WTF.
OK LAH WTF WHY IS MY HEAD SO BIG NEXT TO MONZ'S????!!! -stabs- How come after like....-counts-....8 years together I'm STILL fat and she's STILL smaller sized than me??? HAHAHA. at least she's growing from S to M to -CHEERSSSS- L!!!!! wheeee. karma lah si nu ren. HAHAHAH. Who ask you always say I'm fat.
ed drove us to this rivervalley place with so many good eating places. damn. monz is so lucky lor. =((( had damn gao milodinosaur whilst monz gobbled her eggprata and the lovebirds had tehtarik.
ed sent me home. 3 of us had another mini singing session on the car again wtf. HAHAH.
thursday! no COM125. nina's COM300 combined class though. So my class was pulled forward to 11:15am.
Nina's class was cramped! Two classes packed into the usual room! HA! But it was good with the common jibes I made at J and prof B nonetheless. He delivered a mean punch on my flabby arm which is still sore now. wtf. =(
Managed to settle COM300 stuff. Everyone better send in their parts on Saturday night, or not I will start hunting people down with my parang.
I like this picture of me!!! HAHAHA. okok. -hides face-
After class, me, abs, yan, jos, nina, curls, akira and anna stayed back to eat lunch and chat in the room. HAHAHA. yan and nina was talking about the taiwan travelling plans for end of year. zzz. I think nina now has bad impression of me lor. I'm very innocent!!! -eyes bigbig-
HAHAHHA. oh wells, i suppose she saw the way my eyes gleam when i talk about THE toilet. -grins-
And she asked me "You don't have a boyfriend?".
wtf. no?
I like Sheila's outfit. so casual chic. But, she's so thin and lanky. wth. =(
ahhh, this is CLASSIC. taken during COM300 group discussion. That is curls posing with my poor bottle. It got kidnapped and violated. wtf. curls has no sense of personal hygiene sometimes. HAHAHA.
sexymama. weetweet!!
Had tuition after COM300. I almost wanted to stab P to death millions of times in that 4 hours span. ARGHHH. I shall not elaborate here because it's just plain unkind that I have such evil thoughts and curses. Think positive, Jielin!!!!!
Transform her!!!! grrr.
But it's really been so long since I almost burst into tears while teaching someone. Sigh. I can really don't give a damn about the tutee since I can take money and siam. But.....can't do it. When I teach, that student better produce results; or things get nasty.
msged bro to seek comfort. But yea, his handphone sucks lah. DO YOU SEE THIS UNCLE LEW? HAHAH.
Was supposed to crash E's place to do work the entire day. Couldn't wake up cos' I had been feeling unwell since Thursday night. So I slept till my painful throat subsided and my backaches stopped aching that badly....which was basically till 2pm.
Stayed home. Did MGM301. FINISHED!!!! WEEEEE. my ass hurts. I need a proper chair wtf. I can feel my pigu become squarish and flat and disgustingly cellulite filled. 0.0
Update soon I guess. Hope everything goes well for Saturday's packed schedule! =)))
Ah...this is the toilet lor. HEHE.
awesome? =DDDD
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
laughter makes you glow.
johan wants to get long hair sia wth.
but i did pay attention a little lah. just distracted. got exam review for midterm paper. then was some motivating talk by mrchoy.
disability empowers ability; ability empowers disability.
learnt about how we are chained, no, not physically, but psychologically even though we may not realise. the chained baby elephant syndrome. sad...we can be what we want to be, everything we can ever be. JUST BELIEVE!!
good conversation in the morning makes the rest of the day much better.
and oh, neo replied. MEETING HIM TML after class! weetweet.
stepup2 tml with monz love.
the debate of settling all the discrepancy and work load almost made my brain explode! it's like piecing together 5000 separate parts to create a perfect jigsaw puzzle. will it all work out? YES IT WILL. WE CAN!!!!! roarrrr.
discussed till damn late, so a couple of us were left with nina and talking cok. HAHAHA. more and more bull. been so long since i laughed till i cried and my stomach hurt. lol.
watching curls and jos get at each other is hilarious. i cannot imagine what will happen when they move over to ub and stay together. HAHAH.
how long will it take for jos's eyebrows to be gone? hmmmmm. -grins-
after the rain. little puddles under my block.
designs. at my lift door.
layers. of mirror reflections.
zomg i'm so fair!!!! HAHAHA fine lah lighting ok. and since when my skin look so nice. zzz. so unreal. but i never photoshop. it's just blurred cos' used front camera. =(
i realised i don't look good in all photos. not photogenic at all. smiles/grins/smirks are different. and angles also different. boos. ya lah, who put ugly pictures of themselves up?
like that i look like i got sharp chin. nice right? HAHAHAH. but big face lah. sian why my face everything also big. eyes not big enough though.
actually on a second thought, i might not look good in contact lenses at all. =( haiii. so troublesome. so irritating. HOW COME PEOPLE CAN BECOME PRETTIER BUT SO DIFFICULT FOR ME??!
this was seriously damn retarded. the fringe was poking my eye and therefore the weirdodo eyes.
on closer inspection, i think my eyes are spaced wide apart (weirdo!!!! =( ) and almond-shaped towards the inner part. sian. not nice.
and my nose is too big and spreads when i grin.
my cheeks too fat. forehead big. lips not pouty. HAHAHA. wtf.
don't worry lah i won't go plastic surgery.
think most people may have noticed that nuffnang ad banner on my blog now. finally convinced my lazy ass to sign up for it. let's just wait and see whether my human traffic is high enough for ads to even be placed. yawns.i don't blog about anything entertaining or commercial enough though. hmmmms. one step at a time lahs.
ok time to start on my work. sighhhh. JIAYOU JIELIN JIAYOU!!!!