stupid net. i couldn't even sign into msn for like a hundred years. i kept trying and trying and trying. i think my net has gone bonkers. PMS la. gRrrrr. in the end i had to reinstall my msn and try again. but it still took damn long and i was on the verge of restarting my com for the THIRD time. BAH. i feel violent already.
sometimes technology seems to be able to bring out the worst side in me. when my lappy shuts down FOR NO REASON. when the internet doesnt seem to be working AT ALL. when the washing machine broke down and i had to HAND-WASH my own uniform for a few days. when my handphone AUTO SHUT DOWN and AUTO RESTARTED on its own. when the light bulb blew. when the shower head refuses to work. so many things can get me pissed. so easily pissed. yet so easily appeased all the same.
sighhh. speaking of technology. i just broke my heart. i DROPPED MY SHUFFLE. oh man. im like damn damn freaking upset can. NOW GOT DENT ALREADY! :( im traumatised. syaf witnessed everything. it happened at the bus stop outside school la. sighhhh. damn sad. DENT LA!! grrrr.
they say beauty is imperfect. so maybe this makes my shuffle even more beautiful? hahahahaha.
winnie was commenting that my sister is really pretty. ok, seriously, i wasn't surprised la. c'mon, i think it's a really common comment nowadays. or maybe let's just say since i was BORN can? *shrugs* it's life la. sometimes it sucks to have a sister that is so much more gd looking than you are. it seems like the only comment relatives make to you is "you've grown up!", while they pour praises and compliments about how good my sister looks.
hey, im human too ok. i do get hurt sometimes. i mean, i know you can't compare two different people with different styles and looks and features. but i do detest my sister sometimes for looking so good, while i like..average? yea, it does gets on my nerves when my relatives start spewing on comments. it does hurt me sometimes. but over the years, it seems like i've grown numbed to it. i mean, i hear it every cny and every other gathering can???
and besides, relatives aren't the only one. friends have come asking me why my sister look so good, hardly even resemble me. yea. subtle hints here and there. I DO GET IT LA, THANKS ALOT. *stares*
looks ain't everything i guess. as long as i'm pretty happy about the way i am now, it doesn't hurt as much. so, hey, continue giving your comments, im seriously non-suicidal about it! :) i admit my sister is way prettier than me..hahaha. but i still love her all the same.
and it helps that she knows what i love. what clothes i like. what im comfortable with. cos' i never experiment much with dressing. i don't even know what's my style. bascially i don't really care. presentable can already. over-dress is the most awkward moments in my life. luckily it happened less than 2 times. phew.
i seem to be gaining more. must stop eating when im not hungry already. can save money somemore. sighhhh.
i haven't watched charlie and the chocolate factory. i feel so sua ku. so sad. i want to watch!!!! grrr.
study study study. today not productive. macs too noisy and distracting. i kept falling aslp. too cold cannot think.
excuses? as usual.
ahhh, before i forget, the most recent picture of J.E.Z! :) hahaha, my love totally. serious! i mean it!!

i mean, they are like the fewest and rarest of the male buddies ever. the besties definitely plus guarantee chop!!! :)
i love you guys! no matter what..(: *GROUP HUG!!!*
hahahah, eh, but we never group hug before la. you know sometimes i think being good friends don't mean you have to be there EVERY SINGLE SECOND. it's like im not around with bishi every second, yet i love her company and our easy friendship everytime we get together. not many people have this connection with me..i thank god truly for all these treasures i possess now..and till forever i hope..(:
the pic is ok laaa..everyone really changed. and it's for the better! hahaha, though i really hate my fringe now..and i still look terrible in photos(and in real person). :)
but you know, sometimes what you SEE in the photo is nothing much. what you FEEL for the people in the photo is more important. :)
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