to all my dear readers, show you all picture of the day...
terrell yappity!!!! DAMN SCARY HOR. you and your lousy G2000 $20 shirt. not like the nolstagic feeling at all. =S
anyway, i didn't take that picture above. taken by monky yap. credits to him. he sent to me to ask for comments. so those are my comments. HAHAHAHA.
i just arrived home 3 hours ago and i wanted to 11:44pm. but i only began now...12:17am. after chatting on msn and...reading blogs....and....uploading pictures. i think i'm the most inefficient blogger ever. zzz.
i wish nuffnang would hurry up look at my new layout and grant me adverts again. i was supposedly rejected adverts earlier on due to my previous layout which wasn't ideal enough for advertisers. HAI. but i wonder if they are even going to bother to review because i'm so slack and i only changed my layout a million years after they e-mailed me. zzzz.
BACK TO TOPIC: sunday--> special day out with fatbear. remember i mentioned i wanted to wear something different? ok, i did not. fatbear was disappointed. HAHAHAHA. sorry lah. i was feeling fat and i kept perspiring even though i had bathed. so...i wore my zara dress FOR THE 2nd TIME. wahhh. so not worth the price tag yet. HAHAHAHAH. shit i sound so giam.
this is the only picture i have of myself today with xiaohuang before i left the house to meet fatbear. this post is mostly food and a few of fatbear. so yea...i'm sure all of you are thanking heavens don't have to see my ugly face this time. HAHAHA.
fatbear looked different today!!!! he was wearing his act si wen spectacles and a checkered shirt i've not seen in ages and combed his hair in a new way!!! i thought he looked quite good overall! -thumbs up to fatbear-
we made a mutal pact to make an effort to dress nicer for each other at least one day of the week to make it more special. or not i totally am ZHAI NU already. -.-''' whole day stuck at my home or fatbear's place wearing lokcok stuff and looking damn lokcok.
so...i consider my zara dress very nice also ok! HAHAHAH wtf.
we watched The Shinjuku Incident today instead of Departures. because the latter had the first row seats remaining whereas the first had the 5th row from the front left. and we had good peer reviews of The Shinjuku Incident. it's worth the $8 paid. touching. really violent. a short sexual scene. errrr...A LOTTTT of fighting. hands got amputated (damn unrealistic...i even had a discussion with fatbear over this), knives stabbed and slashed at people, throwing stones, cutting throats and bashing up of humans. ya.
but still, i was honestly surprised that it turned out good. i didn't want to watch it initially. but i think you guys should try it out. worth the moolahs. i promise. (:
because we decided to SAVE MONEY these few months (PBL), we skipped the idea of having our meals in a higher class restaurant and settled for at sunset way.
as you can see, it's a thai food themed place. authentic it is, i cannot say, because i don't have proof. went for the all you can eat buffet which was cheepcheep. barely $17 for each person at the end of all the +++. a selection of 42 dishes. i bet my life you cannot finish all 42. HAHA. ok maybe zihao can (if he is not stringent on the training thingy. i'm sorry marshy. you're the hugest rubbish bin i know in my life). =X
take note of the address if you're planning to dine some place near. but I NEVER RECOMMEND OK. to your own discretion. and i'm saying this only for the buffet items. i don't know about their ala carte.
fatbear actually looks smart with this spectacles HAHA.
first up, century egg salad. this was passable. because i like century eggs. tons of onions and sour stuff.
green mango salad, with lime dressing. which i didn't appreciate totally. i didn't know the mango salad was supposed to be like this. but fatbear liked it. -shrugs-
cuttlefish ball with thai chilli sauce. this was nice. crispy balls and it's hot when served. the sauce has a blend of sweet and sour.
obligatory tomyum seafood soup. passable. not fantastic. i always believe a tomyum soup speaks a lot about the chef. from this however, i really don't think the food served is entirely authentic. but the soups i drink from my several trips to different parts of thailand DEFINITELY do NOT taste like this.
green curry chicken. too much oil. too little chicken. curry not spicy. a tad too bland.
boss recommended thai olive rice. okay, not bad. quite enjoyed it, but i think the enjoyment was twarted by other dishes which really turned me off. will elaborate later.
stir-fried scallop with garlic, basil leaves. ok lah. not a fan of scallops. and i didn't know scallops were supposed to be served like this. sauce too gooey...not nice. scallops don't taste fresh.
sweet and sour pork. this...i don't know this was a thai dish. but anyway, i must say the prok is really tender. don't see it's like brown and crispy and thin on the outside. the meat inside is tender...AND without those fatty tissues at all! it's entirely meat! lean meat--so i applaud them on that. this dish is worth it.
crispy beancurd with thai sweet chilli. NICE. i recommend this. adequately crispy and light enough for an appetizer.
phad thai. fatbear ordered this. didn't like it.
basil leaves sauteed with minced pork. TOO SALTY, TOO OILY, TOO MUCH FATS/SKIN (pork). totally hated it.
thai sambal longbean. again, sauce too gooey, ruined the crunchy taste that long beans should have.
this, i swear is the worst ever. kangkong with shrimp paste. i think the entire dish was too oily!!!! damn gross. i ate a few strands and gave up. we left the place with the plate 3/4 intact. arghhhh.
what's with all the oil man!!!!
ok, this ends my day with fatbear. a very very short sunday boohoohoo. time flies by when you're enjoying yourself. it's back to school tomorrow. and i must edit my speech one final time and print it now. zzzz.
AND rehearse through or i'm so screwed up. zzzz.
at least i know the 60k spent on UB education has taught me to appear confident and strong in front of the audience/strangers even when i'm really quite nervous inside. i guess the more you do it, the more accustomized you are to something. and you get used to the feeling.
benefit me definitely. shalalaaa.
ok!!! one last thing! i've removed the moderation for comments so now everything will appear when you leave a comment.
I FEEL ALL THE LOVE!!! =D thanks to marshy, monky, nehneh and mz. wheeeee. HAHA. and i know i have a loyal fan who goes by the name ti kar fatbear steve huang jian cai. =D
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