Tuesday, April 28, 2009

fatbear called~!

-beams like a sun-
fatbear called fatbear called meeee firsttttt. (imagine singing)

i feel so much better now.
finally the phone rang with the caller-id i've been waiting for the ENTIRE freaking day.
i cannot even describe the happiness man.=DDDD
and fatbear didn't sound angry or what. just his usual stupid teasing voice asking me whether i wanted to hear his voice or not.

apparently he had been reading my blog and knows i'm angry and KNOWS that i'm playing along with him--not calling or smsing him.
so we were basically seeing who can hold out longer. =.='''
in the end fatbear had to call me to listen to my voice because he missed me RIGHT?? =DDDD

please, let's not do this again. i really missed you like shit for the entire day and whatever i did, i felt like a zombie--watching tv, youtubing, surfing online websites, blogging, baking...hated it. =(
i hated the idea that we were not on speaking terms. and i wished so hard that you'll call me first. ya ya, because i am too full of pride to take the initiative to break the silence. =(

pride kills me.

so..compromise right? =D we must be responsible and inform each other about stuff so we won't get angry at each other AGAIN. =((( NO MOREEEEE! -determined tone-
EACH OTHER HUH. meaning you also hor, fatbear!

and ya lah, you didn't guess the kitchen project correct. (must be correct in phrasing...cannot drop hints....)lalalaaa. and STOP GUESSING LAH =((( you are ruining the surprise lehhh.
how come i can read your mind and you can read mine? =D

anyway, you won't have any present on the day itself nehnehnipoopoo. HAHA.
ok lah, maybe i'll be budget and tie a ribbon around my neck and give myself to you. (:

love you baby. i know you love me too. =D

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