tuitioned the 2 tutees as usual. got mad and peeved by their attitudes and i still don't like the china mother.
papa picked me up after tuition and dropped me at nehneh's place. wahhh. panjang is damn chaotic man. the buildings are so messy. but at least i know how to get to ti kar's house now. after 6 months HAHAHA.
the first thing i noticed when i reached her room. a new addition to the bed. some roxy koala bear that's damn black. so it's called orh orh meaning BLACK black. tskkkk. here it is, posing on top of my laptop's keyboard. at least it looks decent.
as opposed to this....still very offending polar bear. i don't know why but this animal disturbs me. like seriously. now it has a tee shirt on. rolled up sleeves like some chao ah beng. and it's....damn ugly. HAHAHAHAHA.
REALLY LOR. i cannot stand it. but i just had to take a picture of the obscene bear.
ok lahhh. it's nehneh's love after all. HAHA.
managed to finish the ppt and script and timed ourselves for our speech. edited the video needed for the clincher. and everything looks...alright. shall finalize on monday again. GAH. i seriously need to start memorizing and familiarizing the content and sentences for the persuasive speech due tuesday. =(
cos' after that is chiong commemorative already. boohoo. school. i know i shouldn't complain. -shrugs-
ti kar picked me up at nehneh's to go dinner (at his place again, wah so exciting zzzz). kinda starving, so ate a lot. shits. i think i'm damn pig. i eat non-stop. HAI. my perception of beauty is warped and i'm so sad because i'll never fit that model of "beauty" ever in my lifetime.
to be random once more--i looked through my clothes everywhere. i use the term everywhere because my clothes are indeed...everywhere.
i shall not explain why i'm such a messy person.
but i kinda miss all the high socks and crazy stripes and loud colors and leggings and all that. things i don't wear anymore. simply because...a reason i give myself--i've grown up, and older at that. =(
another reason is possibly global warming and the insanely hot weather which makes me perspire non-stop from the moment i step out of the house. BUT, now that i realize i'll probably not have much chance to wear these clothes/accessories again, i will most probably dig them out for their final glory--or something like that.
i should start on project contact lenses soon AGAIN (so loser omfg fml). and learn a little make-up...or something.
ya, i don't know why my life is always XXX or something.
i don't feel 22.
sunday morning at 2:41am. blogging it's crazy. time to sleep. my beauty sleep. gah.
should be meeting fatbear for movie in the evening. most probably watching "departures"!!! i hope it's good. (:
and meanwhile, i will dig out those eclectic stuff to wear to scare fatbear HAHAHAHA.
ok lah, i won't. i promise i'll still look pretty (i think).
please say i'm pretty and smart. wtf. byebye.
ps: eh show me some support and love leh. click COMMENT to leave a comment for me. HAHAHA. so lonely sia.
lol... nehneh here... 1st to comment. aiya.. not lonely liao la.. and please.. pekpek is so freaking cute with my abercrombie t shirt can? orh orh is so chio with that bimbotic pink T. :D
im here to comment. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH. departures? e anne hathaway show? omg its a lame show.
-hot sexay mz
a comment. =)
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