i don't understand why we have different views on so many things sometimes. the way he operates isn't how i operate. and i don't even know whether it's because of the age difference, personality difference, perspective difference, experience difference, background difference or...FUCK IT...all of that.
so tired to even think. i wish things will iron out by themselves.
i was rather happy today for like..3/4. until i just called him to talk after he went back home after OT. then everything began. i tried to ignore all that complaining about W and me going out because frankly THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US WHAT.
how many times must i say that i only have you in my heart before you'll believe me? how many times must i say that doing this and that with him means nothing because he is just a FRIEND. many things are done out of obligation ok. and i NEVER do anything wrong, neither have i given him the wrong signals. i hate it everytime you say that i don't need you because i have XXX or ZZZ or whoelsethefuckthereis.
whether it's a joke or not, it's no longer funny. and i know you will read this, and i don't want to argue about this because this isn't the time to argue.
i know you're tired of/from work. i know you need rest. i know you need time to study. i know that you're stressed. i tried so many things not to make you tired, tried my best not to disturb you, tried my best to make everything better. i really tried so hard to be understanding and caring and all that. but obviously my efforts are INVISIBLE. i feel like im here just because im here.
nothing matters now. so pissed. may you be in a better mood tomorrow.
ok. today's pictures. met will at cineleisure for buffet lunch. suki sushi. his treat.
today is the SECOND TIME i've been denied a promotion because of FORGETTING TO BRING MY STUDENT CARD.
so angry. but W kindly paid for everything still. thanks so much.
and btw, i went home and saw the stupid card in my pencil case still. AND I'VE LEARNT MY LESSON. i angrily stuffed the card into my wallet immediately.
pictures from his phone. he was sitting OPPOSITE ME FOR THE ENTIRE MEAL HOR FATBEAR. only moved over for like 2 minutes to take pictures.
YA YA. look at my face. i can go be a chipmunk. =( i'm on a diet. ate a few plates of sushi. definitely not worth the buffet money. but no way i'm going to eat more just because it's not worth the money.
i know i probably STILL won't lose weight after all my efforts. but at least this gives me hope, right? fuck weight plateaus. (sorry if i use a lot of vulgarities in this post, just in a bad mood. anyway, i'm sure all readers are NC16 above.)
since he paid for the meal, i felt obligated to treat him back. he insisted on watching a movie. so ya, i paid the $6 for him. cheapcheap lah. totally a fraction of what he paid.
the sushi there is quite worth it. better than sakae by A LOT. don't ever go sakae! really. their buffet can eat everything on the plates. don't care what color ok. SO MUCH BETTER AND FRESHER!
and their waitresses are very polite, friendly, smiley and says "you're welcome" whenever i say "thank you" to them. good service!
MUST HAVE everytime.
awesome cream puffs.
chawamushi. buffet also! cheap!
YA, so lame please. we had no intention of watching movie one. but we settled for this malaysian horror flick WTF. totally lame. HAHAHAHA. the sound effects damn loud ok, scared me several times. but it wasn't very scary lor! i was laughing quite a lot throughout. and both of us must have disturbed many people because we were predicting what was going to come next at every scene!
and guess what. we were right 90%. HAHAHA. i'm glad it's only $6. or not i'll stab myself.
it's been like 5 years since we saw each other???!!! wah lau eh. i didn't recognize him at first. but i saw him pointing at me (got another girl next to him, his gf) and then i looked harder and i realized it was him!!! =DDDD eh, he still remembers my name ok!
wah lau eh. brings back all the classroom craziness we had HAHA.
and he said i changed a lot physically =.= and that MY VOICE CHANGED. i thought only males break voices. FML.
wahhh. but it was good to catch up with him! HAHA. so funny. (((: his gf damn sweet-looking ok! that penguin really got good taste man! HAHA.
you can see a sheng shiong plastic bag up there. dropped by the market for groccery shopping on my way home from town. was damn tired and sweaty but i had to go there to get stuff for the BEAR's surprise. i guess it won't be much appreciated given his current mood.
i'll reveal the contents soon. after his birthday presumbly. it's going to be a huge project tomorrow. hai. i wonder why i'm doing all these suddenly. so fucking upset.
home. i need a hair trim. wonder when i'll have the time to go. probably wednesday after tuition or something. sigh.
REALLY exhausted. spent 1 hour in the supermarket getting things i needed. i love groccery shopping, so i'm not complaining. besides, i had to make sure everything was perfect, so i read the contents of everything, contemplated over the props and stuff. SIGH. plus i had budget constraint.
fuck my bank account. fat day. i want to get rid of my tummy.
i hate my hips.
i have no waist.
i just remembered that i entered a male's toilet last saturday. because the female's toilet was locked. it happened at the place i took the survey for $35. urgent needs. fatbear told me to go to the male's toilet and he'll keep a watchout.
2 other men came in. crazily embarrassing when i had to go out of my cubicle to wash my hands.
one of the uncles got quite a startled look. paiseh lah uncle. me niao ji! =S
i just thought it'll be interesting to document this. nothing special.
ok fuck my life now. i'm out of here.
i wonder if i'm doing the right thing. but i've decided...and i've got to stick to it.
btw, sorry monky for making you read this vulgarity-infused entry. and sorry to the rest who hates vulgarities too.
i feel better after letting it all out. have a good day everyone.
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