took me ages just to upload a few shots. pekcek. so anyway, let me begin blogging. been wanting to blog for the previous few days, but so many things happened.
i shall start with a refreshing bright yellow-ish picture of me decked in yellow of course. i seldom wear such bright colors, so i think this is an achievement. besides, this top was FOC from the sister. LOLOL. so cheapo right! aiya, but better than nothing mah, since she offered to give me. brand new too!!!
pictures in this entry shall be from my blackie and from phone. you can tell very clearly which are the lousier ones from phone lah. sorry! i don't bring my blackie out everyday.
thinking why i look so frail in these pictures? can't really see the fats from my tummy right? reason being: i fell sick.
i think it's a mild case of gastric flu. loss in appetite, extreme headache (could be dehydration or the severe heat) and nausea. damn bad. plus it all happened on the day when i was supposed to go out with a few others to celebrate pris's and chaigaoyuan's birthdays.
i tried popping a few energy bars to make my energy level go up despite not having eaten anything the entire day (AND lao sai-ing 3 times early in the morning). i don't think i ate anything wrong.
so i almost died in school. and it was the longest day for the week. till 5plus pm!!! i managed to pull myself to join the rest for the birthday dinner. although i wasn't the best company and i think chaogaoyuan was damn worried that i'll puke in his car. HAHAHAHA.
eh please, the way he drives is crazy. damn jerky and unstable. not like fatbearbearrrr. wooo. -big wet eyes- HAHAHA.
oh, a random shot in school. i didn't really join in the hoo-haa over the "last day of school" thing. because i still have school till next week anyway wtf. and it just didn't occur to me that it was the last day. i count last day as EXAMS days. for me, it'll land on the 24th of april. SIGH.
reminded me that i seriously NEED to start studying. concentrate and focussss, jielin!!!
melly the hehbihiam. me. mz the snake woman/chinagirl. yan, my ex-lover or something like that wtf. i guess you can tell how lokcok i looked. zzzzzz. I TOLD YOU i didn't expect a major phototaking session in school what! =(((
cos' that day directly after school, it was crashing nehneh's to do commemorative speech stuff.
eh, i was peeling my fingernails' cuticles lehh. but still got time to half-pose wtf. and another hand kinda got spasms. -.-''''
thanks alot miss nehneh. made my face look so big here. i'm so happy. dots. HAAH. EHHHH, but happy lah. got "natural" blush wtf. i don't know how it got there. i don't put anything on my face apart from concealer (terrible eyerings).
i think can tell right? nehneh is well made-up. and i'm...chui. sometimes i really suspect if i'm 22. wtf. FML.
ther we go again. -.-''' i really should start to do something about my face. boohoo.
i feel like i need another trim. my hair is starting to look like weeds again. roarrr! damn unglam wtf were we thinking. HAHAHAHAH. ok i win nehneh hands down. i should just call myself rubberfacelin.
commemorative speech. we're doing a eulogy.
the seductive bear decides not so seduce me this time. it's sleeping very soundly with orhorh next to it.
hard at work.
ok, here are a few shots of the outing to swensens at holland v with the few of them. chris chai, pris, jonathan, nehneh and i.
in chaichai's car. don't judge me. it's one of my bad days like i sad. feeling so freaking sick it's amazing i found the energy to camwhore. zzz.
and i only found out that we were going out after school when i REACHED school. ha ha. nice joke. i was prepared to go home and nua mans.
petition for air fresheners in canteen, yo! HAHAHAHA. eh, class joke.
EH SIA LAH!!!! look damn couple right!!!! HHAHAAHHAHA. but they aren't. tskkkk. crazily huge utensils they gave me for my salad. couldn't even fit them into my mouth. comparison with the normal sized utensils. sorry for the poor image quality.
awesome fries with sauces. yumsss.
chris chai and his crazy eyebrow. looks damn perverted.
i must say throughout the entire dinner, since i wasn't feeling well, i just snapped away and tried not to talk much because i wanted to puke anytime. it was horrible.
plus the 3 of them were talking about random stuff i didn't understand like chinese literature and anime and what's not. nehneh was bored too. HAHA.
you see their conversation. damn engrossed lor!
pris is getting violent!
the firehouse icecream came. complimentary on the house. first birthday song sung with candles on the icecreamsss.
stuffed. AND the second round came. earthquake! with another set of candles and another birthday song!
we wiped it out. i felt 100% sick by then. didn't eat much and still can feel sick. confirm is gastric problem. zzz.
haven't ate much these days. can't risk puking. or falling sick. let's pray my intestines be obedient now. zzz.
although i really lost the fats around my tummy mans! HAHAAHHA. aye. ok. nothing to be happy when you are sick and then lose weight because of loss of health. =(
outta here. long weekend. happy good friday everyone!
tuition. earn moolahs. come on wishes...come true now!!
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