meanwhile, HAPPY APRIL'S FOOL!!!!
ya, taking pictures of myself so i can see how i change with time. it works ok! i look back at my pictures all the time. and of course i see unglam ones and funny ones (like mz in wig and milk carton and flower frames and with snake and all that HAHAHAHA).
pictures are one of the best ways to keep memories. (:
tied up my hair into ponytail because it's starting to bother me again. like weeds wtf. they're so light and fine they fly everywhere. i look like a mad woman.
anyway, blue tint to the above picture because i was so sad fatbear had to OT and we had to scrap our dinner plans. boohoo. 3rd day in a row this week already! =((((
today--my hair after untying it. LOL. lion's mane. eh quite cool ok. got like semi-wolverine effect HAHAHAH.
what i wore today. i think i've been dressing more and more sloppy for school recently. just cannot be bothered anymore because it's ending and because no one will see or notice anyway. AND because i stay in school for half a day only.
hi xiaohuangggg!!! beams. he keeps me company the whole day i'm home. comforting.
in my lift.
oh ok...this picture is taken in the restaurant at suntec city. some jap tepanyaki place which was damn quiet and we thought the food should be good but it turned out normal. BOOHOO. so sad. lousy jap food is like the worst experience ever.
although the food was bad, things would have been fine if the service was good. BUT NO, the service sucked too. except for this very nice chef who served us halfway. the others were rude, did not provide us with sufficient utensils and took bloody a million years to come to our table even though they APPARENTLY saw us.
disappointing to the max. and the place was not crowded, nor was it a peak hour. =( had only us and another group of 3 schoolboys at another table ok. like wtf.
fatbear. in the polo tee i bought from arnold palmer.
me, in my purple zara dress bought not long ago but didn't bother to wear to school cos' it seems such a waste wtf. -.-'''
oh ya, we were eating after the IT fair rampage. damn hungry and tired. (so you can imagine the disappointment from lousy food)
all these came in a set. i think this was just a normal egg with soy sauce or something wth. damn dots.
those are the schoolboys behind me.
seafood that was passable but nothing fantastic.
these noodles saved the day because it came in a huge plate and there was enough for the both of us. we practically wiped it clean cos' of our hunger. but it tasted alright too. better than the other dishes in my opinion.
ok, EXPO day for ROBINSONS sale i mentioned earlier in one of my entries. nothing much. lies. discounts my head.
before entering the expo hall.
the tee (which you cannot see very clearly in the pictures) which fatbear is wearing is supposed to be a couple tee. i also have one in my size! HAHAHAHA. but ok, i don't know where is it in my avalanche of clothes. zzzzz.
i was wearing sis's vintage handmedown dress--green with giraffes. LOL. wasn't very nice. hmmmm.
after EXPO was meeting fatbear's friends for dinner to celebrate birthday remember? sushi tei at taka. didn't take much pictures sadly. because i guess i'm not like uber close to them to whip out my camera to take pictures of food and people. =X
wanted to take a shot with fatbear before they arrived. but i zoomed in earlier to take another picture and i forgot to zoom out again. HAHAHAHA. that is fatbear's eye.
forgot when i took this. xiaohuang!
xiaohuang sitting atop a pile of clothes.
fatbear bought many tidbits for me. this is only one of the many. LOL. ferrero dark chocolate rocher HAHAH.
not bad. i don't know how much it costs so i can't say if it's worth the money or not. =X
ok, i don't know why i'm feeling so tired. granny yeap's lecture was damn boring. plus the fact that she totally pissed me off with her FUCKING OBVIOUS favoritism at really stupid-act-smart-people. aiya fine, maybe they are stupid, but they are damn teacher's pet also. got thing, no thing will go find her to talk. TALK non-academic stuff one ok.
only local lecturers are seemingly besotted with the idea of "PETS". foreign lecturers are better. really. don't really give a damn who you are. everyone is like equal.
but of course, having a chinese name doesn't help much. i think only 2 of my ang moh lecturers can truly pronounce my name correctly. the rest just call me weird names like "jillian", "jillin", and the alternative i post to them--JELLY.
the chinese and indian/singh teachers are WAYYYY better. they still remember my name and we still talk to one another whenever we pass each other in school. (:
but of course, there are some teachers i cannot be bothered to talk to. only minimally about assignments. i'd rather be invisible in their class and just get my A and scram HAHAHAH.
ok, why am i on this topic? so random. i'm going off.
have to pop by recruitexpress for some interview tomorrow after school. i hope i don't lose my way finding the office. =X wish me lucks for positive impression and for me to get many many job lobangs in the coming weeks!!!!
RING PHONE RING!!! i'm waiting for all the phonecalls. i'm expecting them. they will come. (:
i won't lose out to you.
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