starrryyyyy! (:
finally did some exercise in the form of cycling; speed cycling; whatever you call that.
met the mysterious one at bedok mrt to head down to ecp. I WAS 15MINS EARLY ZOMGGGGGGG. miracle! (((:
but as i was stoning at the mrt control station waiting for him, suddenly...............
Dr. G just "floated" up via the escalator right before my eyes WTFWTFWTF. and i was stoning and staring at my phone so i didn't notice him. UNTILLLLL, i got distracted by this grinning and frantically waving figure behind my phone.
omg wtf. what are the odds you tell me!!!!
cabbed to ecp macs.
the weather was good--initially. however, after we reached the jetty, it started to drizzle, then pour. the whipping winds and sand did micro-dermabrasion for my legs!!! HAHAHAH WTF. i think it became smoother HAHAHAHAHA. eh random. my sis gave me this sweet yesterday. nice lorrr. it's damn cheap (i heard from sis) and inside got a lot ok! very good for KIAM PENG people like me HAHAHAHAHA. HAHAH I LOVE GUMMIES! repeat after me!
before i set off from home. zzz. look so tired hor. sian.
wahhh machiam red rubies!!!
the gummy!
hello sunshine! headed down to clementi photo-shop to send something for developing. it's for my popo's upcoming birthday. remember my ah gong's birthday? i also had the photo developed as a gift? he keeps one of top the tv, and the other on top his desk HEHE so cute.
i think my popo jealous ahhh. SO I MUST PRINT FOR HER HAHAHAHAHA. i see where she put it! LOLOL.
we were cycling halfway when we spotted this masterpiece of sandcastles (literally) at the beach. spectacular i say. the builders were there setting up a "fence" around it. apparently, some irresponsible people had attempted to destroy this huge sand-fortress! wah lau, so childish can!!!
the relatively calm sea before the rain.
look! so maginificent! chatted abit with the builders regarding their project. from what i've gathered, they are planning to keep it for 4-6 weeks, because it's a approximate "survival" time of the sand structure.
i even asked them what if there's rain and thunderstorm. would the sand structures collapse or be destroyed? he gave me an answer that got me stumped.
"mother nature protects everything that's nature. the rain will not destroy the sandcastle. the ONLY thing that is capable of destroying it is something STUPID called HUMANS who love to destory EVERYTHING"
word for word. he was damn peeved and serious when he said that. i could sense the condescending tone mans. -_-''' some vandalizers must have stepped on his toes before that.
cycled onto bedok jetty where we saw many many people fishing. lol. it was amazing! the dark clouds were gathering ahead, so we hurriedly took a few pictures.
i even saw this uncle who caught 5 fishes on ONE line!!! ZOMG SO COOL CANNNN.
it started pouring. so we took shelter at this little hut. reminds me of that time nehneh and i and the lousy thunderstorm wtf. HAHAHAHA.
our bikes.
pictures of course!!! (((:
personally, i like this picture a lot. -points to above-
my white legs and fairytale whites! (:
the mysterious guy!!! HAHAHAHH WTF.
he asked me to pose at this position while he adjusted the self-timer and position of camera. zzzz. so i took him lor. he kept complaining non-stop. HAHAHAH.
since he took so long to adjust. i had to take pictures of myself. note the horribly wind-tossed hair and perspiring and sticky face =((( my limbs were even muddier and sticker from the wet grounds. the tires kept spraying water onto me wtf.
i shall put the pictures from the camera below. lazy to re-arrange ah. sorry HAHAH.
cycled to the end point. it was drizzling yet AGAIN and i was aching already from the sudden speeding and being typically unfit. =((((
the rain stopped after a while and i suggested we head out to a nearby extended "jetty" thing to enjoy the breeze.
niceee. the wind was so good. asides from the messy hair. totally cannot come with a guy you wanna impress ok. VERY UNGLAM. HAHAHAH. i warn all potential couples first.
and while we were talking cok and taking random pictures (multiple shots because the wind was creating unflattering hair-problematic-pictures of us and the GUY was sooooo vain too HAHAHAHAH), we saw this lonely guy standing at the edge of the beach.
"eh! he wanna commit suicide leh" --mysterious guy.
"PI LAHHH. from there jump his feet can still touch water...HOW TO DIE. he should go over to the light house there to jump. confirm die."
"ya lor..maybe he just got dumped by his girlfriend at the chalet then wanna commit suicide. the gf see already sure scold him lah. want to commit suicide here also cannot die. create problem for her only"
"HAHAHAHAH WTFWTF so heartless."
the mysterious guy being revealed!!!
TADA!!!! HAHAHAHHA. ghost lah. samo samooooo. ayeee. flying over to UB on the 12th. =((( staying there for 2 sems. which means i may see him in june or even later of 2009. boooooo.
see this guy huh. he always don't style his hair. but then hair messy only he will complain HAHAHAH. we took quite a few pictures on his camera lor. but he SELF-CENSOR and don't send me everything BOOOOOOO. =(((( but i looked nice in those pictures!!!! HAHAHAH. ass.
trust me. we tried a million times, shifting positions and camera angles to figure out the MOST decent angle to take. LOLOL.
SEE MY FACE SO BIGG KNS!!!! angry man. that samo so skinny liao plus head so small, really emphasize my elephant-ness. and he laughed at me for being unfit ok!!! hmpfff. i still cycled faster than him for 3/4 of the trip ok! AHAHAHAHA. shitty. ok lah, but i am flabby. aye.
woowoo. he never smiles with his teeth. tried psycho-ing but he insisted on NOT. roarrrr.
so i shifted back to downsize my face. HAHAHAHAHAH. shalalalaa. and he held the camera for me.
ok now pictures from samo's new camera he bought to prepare himself for photography class over at UB! SO JEALOUSSSS =(((((
and then we asked this auntie to help us take picture. then my eyes cannot open wtf. HAHAHAHA too sunny ok!
jetty picture of meee.
woooo. nice!
AH!!! I LIKE THIS PICTURE ALSO. although im freaking white compared to him wtf. -_-'''
then the wind was being a bitch so i had to resort to this sailormoon-ey fucked up pose to prevent my luo-han forehead from appearing wtf. that stupid ghost says i look like SUN WU KONG in xi you ji. WTF????? slaps!
then was returning of bikes and washing up. and cabbed to cityhall for dinner. we were damn tired and achy by then LOL. wanted to eat this japanese marche thingy at the basement of rafflescity. but the queue was horrid.
settled for healthy subway. walked around the place and talk cok and look at stuff. ya lah, i reached mood to shop HAHAHA.
bus-ed home via 14. zzz. took bloody long.
the last picture of myself before i zonked out on the comfy bus seat. new bus! empty! not too cold! plopped down right at the back row with the awesome seat with headrest! wheee. beauty sleep.
alighted at clementi to collect my photo. home.
ok aching madly zzzz. ass and my poor weak knees. ayee. old already.
videzy tml and national day! maybe i should pop by popo's house to pass her the photo and wish her early happy birthday (since i'll be working entire of saturday boooo).
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