Tuesday, August 19, 2008


i realized my previous entry was 881. so this makes it 882. HAHAHA.
ok random.

sis has been giving me some food stuff here and there recently. wow. so nice. =.=
she just gave me the cocoa marshmellow drink package which she knows i like too.
makes me suspicious. and slightly guilty. should be nicer to her. mental note.

congrats to haoz who managed to insert the stupid lens.
jiayou to jielin still.

school is starting monday. 9am lessons everyday. just kill me already.
i need a new alarm clock. can't be late.

i'm so broke.
taiwan is making me so broke i can't even eat grass. DAMMIT I HATE THIS.
fuck delayed gratification.
i'm delaying everything and i feel like i'm uber deprived of pleasures in the world.
this sucks. to the max. =(
just let me whine.

i want t300.
i want dslite.
i want itouch.

all gadgets that will set me back by hundreds. which i cannot afford now.
tuition season will end at latest, october. this means i won't have enough funds to last till dec for my trip. i must do some magic.

but i will NEVER forfeit my trip. noooooo. =(

this hols really suck.

i just want my wishes to come true.
is it really so difficult?

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