in terms of mood of course.
made it back to change into my videzy tee cos' it was still hung out to dry from the night's wash. zzz.
today is not my take-bus day. 15minutes for 189. another 20 for 243G. NO, i'm NOT talking about the RIDE duration itself. it's the WAITING TIME knnccb. i almost swore outloud. damn I HATE PUBLIC TRANSPORT WHEN IT'S IRREGULAR!!!
so gonna get a chauffeur in the future. thank you.
work was shitty. i ended up with Pboss for the entire shift. was ordered to do shitload of stuff. =( damn tired. made mistakes she scolded. scold nvm lah, still scold infront of cusomters. knnccb. damn pissed i had to hide my irritation and just continue to do work like a meek little lamb.
DAMN IF I HAVE MORE MONEY I WOULDN'T WANNA DO THIS JOB ANYMORE. really makes me feel dehumanized after a while.
and i've watched stepup2 a million times i can memorize exactly the lines said per character. kaoz.
and i saw a relatively cute guy but i guess i really am in no position to do anything LOL. i'm so chui. and i seriously need a haircut. dammit. and visit my skin doc. TIME TIME TIMEEE.
and i needa change my braces removal date cos' got classes i just realized. roarrrr.
ended work and thank god she let me off at 11pm. i didn't need to do the closing as she said she'll do it and shoo-ed me home. phew. can't imagine man. =(((
home now. tired. sleepy. got slightly high chatting and webcaming with MANIK (of all people because i kinda owed him a webcam chat). HAHAHA. damn shitty hilarious lah. fuck. and damn ugly considering my half-asleep face and eyes and hairband and huge ass forehead.
wah lau. that's it lor. no one is gonna love me anymore HAHAHA.
ayee. sibei ugly. i don't know why i'm like that and shamelessly posting this here HAHAHAHAHHA. so thick skin and won't paiseh hor.
aiya heck care. at least shows i'm not those need makeup or not will die person right. LOLOLOL. chat with him was short but very funny. lol. webcam-ed with nehneh and NANA at the same time. LOLOL. nana is going to penang and won't be back till wednesday. sobs. WHO DO I CHAT TO NOW??? haiii. i miss you already. =(((
studying tml. really mans. must jiayou teojielin!!!! cannot slack already. don't waste money and don't waste your time. you are smart!!!!
ok. lazy to blog. got alot of pics but i'll leave it for when i'm free. goodnight darlings.
and i think lesser people reading my blog cos' my viewership status seemed to have dropped. maybe this is a sign that people are bored of me. oh man. so sad HAHAHAHA. who cares.
this is my outlettttttt. wheeee.
ps: welcome home monica long. please date me one day and we can go out and chill cos' i miss you!!!!
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