i've got loads in my mind; been photoblog-surfing, reflecting on the day's events, thinking about future taiwan funds and source of revenue, thinking about the plans and due-dates the coming week.
i've got a date to turn up for in a few hours time. (: finally.
simple things like this can keep my spirit up for the entire week; something to look forward to.
music266 report for NAC is complete. so is the quiz#4 aka final review quiz online. BEAT THAT Dr. G!!!! HHAAHAHAH. aye, i've still got the FINALS to prepare for. com242 also. scaring the daylights out of me. too relaxed now, and i actually feel guilty. zzzz.

tuition was alright for both kids. gotta learn to relax and chilllll so as not to get my blood pressure level skyhigh from being pekcek at them. geez.
videzy was again, with D. which was fine with me, because it meant that Pboss was still overseas at her conference and wouldn't be back till next saturday. and the good/bad thing about D is that he does most of the work, leaving me pretty much "free" to rot and stone and observe people.

the tv/dvd player in the store was down today; leaving both of us bored, low, and unentertained for the entire night. no shows to screen, no music, no sound, no activity on the huge tv overhead. SIGH. made do with music from his mp4 player , chats and interaction with the customers.
a few regulars returned. Mr. Gucci was there. he actually gave me a mini-smile-like-look. 0.0 and Mrs-loaded-with-kids came back too. (: regulars make your day better.

Hboss dropped by during 8pm plus i think. was supposed to be buying dinner for his wife at home, but rather stoned in the store for like 15mins just to watch us and to make random jabs at me WTF.
D taught me the entire process of closing regarding forms-wise today. got more to learn about part-timer claim forms and the COMPLETE closing inclusive of locking doors/gates etc. damn, i kinda feel sad that he is quitting so soon. i realized that i tend to end up working short-stint partnerships with people who planned to quit soon wtf. =((((
i don't feel good today. bloated. lousy, dry hair. pimply face. tired eyes. damn. where is some beauty mannnn. ARGH.

if you've been observant, you'll probably realize the peppering of pink ipod/itouch images around the entry. i'm so tempted!!! but i can't!!! ARGHHH. if i buy this, it means i can say goodbye to taiwan already.
GOD, i wish i earned more money. ARGHHH. it sucks to have to save 3/4 of your monthly income and 1/4 of your income goes to paying for insurance and travelling and food. ARGHHH. how to survive without ending up a cow???
all for a dream! i don't care lah. work for what you want, teojielin!!!! good things never come easy. if you want it, get it yourself. NO RELIANCE!!!
why can people be 165cm and uk8 when i'm 167 and uk12?
sheesh. and no, i'm not shy about my size. it's pretty obvious ain't it?
in the mindless pursuit, again, i feel like i've lost my purpose. where was my starting point?
i need GPRS in my soul.
i seem to keep getting lost.
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